D'rian and Lonreth, you will not be forgotten

Jan 15, 2007 21:51

Shan-Kaylith, Rilsa-Corineth

Shan purloins a bottle of whiskey from I'daur's stash and retreats to the Weyrling Memorial to 'salute' her lost clutchmates. Rilsa finds her there.

Weyrling Memorial in the Mountains(#420RJs)
Surrounded by the jagged peaks of the northern mountain range, the ground is covered by a blanket of white snow, the flakes swirling as the stinging winds howl across the desolate landscape. The snow, however, does not cling to the sheer cliff face that rises out of the ocean of sunlit white, instead framing the rock in a surreal glow.

As the vision adjusts to the blinding snow, the details of the cliff face become defined. As if carved by the tools of the Minecraft, a set of draconic and human bones are embedded in the rock. The image shows a human atop a dragon in profile, the vision eerie. This, however, was not the work of any tool as this is the unofficial memorial of a Weyrling Betweening, a reminder of an accident of Passes passed. There is no plaque or sign to memorialize this grave; the poignancy of the bones themselves is all that is needed.
Obvious exits:

Corineth rumbles as he lands and his rider alights. He gives a warm croon to Kaylith

The young greenrider is sitting with her back against the little green's side, knees drawn up, arms hanging over them. A half-bottle of whiskey in the one hand, Shan stares vacantly at the memorial. Kaylith has a protective look on her sweet face which is also turned in quiet contemplation toward the rock.

Rilsa wanders down the path, through the clearing to end up at the memorial. Seeing the two huddled shapes, she calls out. "Shan?"

Her mentor's voice is heard, but no reply sent. Instead the bottle is lifted in the Weyrsecond's direction by way of greeting. Clearly Shan was not in a very talkative mood today.

Kaylith whuffles a soft reply to Corineth before resuming her vigil over her rider.

Rilsa makes her way over, settling down on the ground next to her mentee. "A rough day?" She asks the girl, her voice tinged lightly with worry.

Dull eyes are turned on Rilsa, though not from the alcohol. "Just sending them off Rilsa" Shan's gaze goes back to the rock as the bottle is tipped and a burning mouthful of it's contents slides down her throat. "Shouldn't have happened." the bottle is silently offered to her mentor.

Rilsa's expression is quite confused as she is not sure what Shan is speaking about. "Sending whom off?" She asks, then glances at the memorial, "Them?"

"D'rian and green Lonreth." is finally offered to Rilsa, after a long silence "They were lost *between* last night" another swig. Shan runs her tongue over her lips, staring at the bottle for a while "They never came home."

Rilsa ahs, nodding. She moves to sling an arm around Shanlee's shoulder if it is permitted as she speaks. "That's right. They both were lost. No, it shouldn't have happened but it does. We are in a very difficult life."

Perhaps Rilsa was the one person Shan felt she didn't need to pretend or be strong for. For it's the simple gesture of having her mentor put a comforting arm around her that finally breaks down the barrier and the young greenrider bows her head and sobs for the loss of her clutchmate and his green.

Rilsa doesn't speak, just holds the greenrider while she lets her emotions free. After a very long time, she finally does speak up. "It's okay to cry -- just let it all out. We all understand, Shan. We all lost friends this way and it is never easy."

Eyes red from crying, Shan nods slowly as the bottle is carefully set to one side, her breathing still ragged from emotion. The light voice carries the rawness of grief "We should have all stood together." a hiccup, as reference is made to graduation "Like we did on the Sands."

"He and his green will be there." Rilsa says after a moment. "He may not be with us physically but he will always be in your heart."

Wiping her eyes with the back of her hands, and sniffing a little, Shan glances back at the Memorial. "He had so much fun with us at the Rusted Hulk." a wan smile goes to the pre-graduation celebration with I'daur "At least we had that." The bottle is reached for and carefully recorked. "Just as well thread won't fall in our lifetime..." a slight frown "I don't think I could handle that, this was bad enough."

Rilsa offers a slight smile, saying. "Shan, I think you can handle it. You are stronger than you think you are." She glances back at the memorial.

"Yeah right." Shan returns, a self-effacing note to her tone and lifts the bottle, waggling it to make the contents slosh around a little. "Handled it real well....dashed off to Telgar at first opportunity, purloined this." though from where isn't identified "Came here and drowned my sorrows." Wrapping her arms around her knees, Shan sighs wearily "Dunno what the Weyrwoman was thinking, saying I could be an Assistant to the Weyrlingmaster one day." hiccup.

"It's something new, dear girl." Rilsa replies, giving another smile. "Trust me, I am rarely wrong about something."

Shanlee regards Rilsa for a long while before finally conceding "Perhaps you're right." The heavy fringe gets brushed back from Shan's eyes "I'm sorry for the drama." slight annoyance at having broken down flits behind the red-rimmed eyes.

Rilsa shakes her head. "Nothing to apologize for. It is never a weakness to show feelings, especially in this circumstance." She moves to sit back and glances around again for a moment. "everything will be just fine."

To the words of weakness, Shan shrugs slightly "Call it a defence mechanism." eyes now carefully averted from the Memorial as she stands slowly to her feet, using the green as support "It's why I came out here." A hand is held out to Rilsa should she want to use it to stand herself "But thanks for being here...." a contemplative pause "...when I needed you." an odd look crosses her face, lips thin "Please don't tell me that she called you." green eyes fix on her lifemate a frown forming.

Rilsa takes the offered hand, standing as well. "I won't tell you." She replies, smiling. "I'm always here when I am needed ..." A bigger, comical smile appears at the next statement, "... and when I'm not."

Kaylith turns an innocent look on the two riders, whuffling gently at the older woman. Shan looks between her mentor and her green but makes no comment. "Either way it's appreciated." the bottle of whiskey gets carefully stowed in the carrysack "I'd better return this before it's missed." a low chuckle follows as the greenrider tries to picture I'daur searching for it.

Rilsa smiles, glancing at the bottle. "Perhaps filling it up with something to make it seem like it isn't less."

Turning, Shan grins "I would if the owner weren't so hard to fool." seeming more like herself, the redhead lifts her chin "I'll tell him what I did with it - perhaps he'll approve?" though she doesn't seem to be looking for an answer.

Rilsa doesn't respond as she really has nothing to say. With a flourish, she motions Shanlee to preceed her. "Next time you do drink, I recommend a warmer place."

"Such as?" Shan raises a brow in query before she turns to check the straps and make ready to mount the little green.

Rilsa smiles. "We'll talk next time."

"I'll hold you to that." a wink is sent Rilsa's way before she scrambles up Kaylith's side and snaps off a salute "Clear Skies Rilsa." Kaylith rears back and takes to the sky with a flurry of snow in her wake.

Rilsa grins. "Clear skies."

You climb up onto Kaylith's back, as the dragon rumbles softly.

You rise up into the sky and circle high above the Weyr.
Sky Far above the High Reaches Mountains

You fly lower into the High Reaches Weyr bowl.
Sky High in the Bowl, High Reaches Weyr

You wing down in the bowl, towards the east wall.
Sky above the Eastern Bowl, High Reaches Weyr

You wing down and land lightly on the ground.
Eastern Bowl, High Reaches Weyr(#840RJs)

You climb down Kaylith's side to the ground, using her foreleg as a step.
Eastern Bowl, High Reaches Weyr(#840RJs)

You wander into the weyrling training room.
Weyrling Training Room(#530RJs$)
This large room was cut deep into the cliff side and is lit only by glows. There are two large stone tables running east and west. Behind each table is a stone bench for the weyrlings to sit on, not very comfortable admittedly, but wood is too valuable to use for this purpose. At the north end of the room is a smaller stone table and chair, used by the WeyrlingMaster. Behind that lies a map of the northern continent, the areas that each Weyr protects carefully marked.
On the east wall is a detailed depiction of a dragon's wing with the anatomy clearly marked. If you look at the west wall, it's covered with many Wing formations. In the back of the room are a couple old, scratched up couches. Originally they were in the colors of High Reaches Weyr, one black, one dark blue, but now it's a little difficult to tell which is which.
Views: Couches North Wall East Wall West Wall Measure Marks
Weyrling Board
Obvious exits:
Bowl Weyrling Barracks

Booted heels echo across the floor as Shan strides purposefully toward the Weyrlingmaster's desk, which thankfully does not hold I'daur himself behind it. Stepping around to the back of it, she carefully slides a drawer open about to re-place the half bottle of whiskey. Frowning a little she thinks better of it and instead scratches around for a piece of paper and stylus. A quick note gets scribbled out. Closing the drawer, the note is carefully placed on the table with the bottle on top of it. The note reads as such :

D'rian and Lonreth, you will not be forgotten.
Shanlee and Green Kaylith salute you.

Stepping back a faint smile on her face, the young greenrider tips two fingers toward the bottle of whisky and leaves.

You walk into the eastern bowl, high reaches weyr

kaylith, drunk, rilsa, weyrlinghood, corineth, mentor, shan

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