Welcome to
shanks_lims ! This is the brand new Last Icon Maker Standing Community completely dedicated to the talented actor, Michael Shanks. Here you will get the chance to make lovely icons to all of Shanks fine works - the good, the bad, AND the ugly (not him, just the ugly movies! ;P ) .
So here's what's going on around this shiny new comm (there's a lot since it's new!):
Round 1 Sign Ups are now open. Hop on over there if you already haven't and sign up for very first round! January 25th is the 'official' day you have to sign up through, though you do have the option to sign up before the end of the first challenge. You MUST sign up before participating, of course. And don't forget to pimp out
shanks_lims (either on your personal journal or a community, with permission) to earn yourself an extra skip! (Multiple pimps don't earn multiple skips...I know there's a joke in there somewhere!)
~ The first three themes are up and rarin' to go (the other themes pages are up but aren't full of shiny Shanks pics yet)! So for all of you anxious to jump the gun and get a move on your entries, here they are:
1.01 - Archaeology Is Sexy : Don't you just love it when Michael plays the archaeologist?? He brings a sexiness to it that hasn't been seen since the days of Indiana Jones! (And sorry, no Carter Hall pics available yet...that'll have to wait for next round!)
1.02 - Hats, Hats, Hats! : Michael (and a lot of his characters) seem to favor hats, which is unfortunate at times because he has a really amazing head of hair! (Heeey, theme for next round perhaps?? ;) )
1.03 - Armed and Amazing: Michael + Guns. 'Nuff said.
For all you early birds, while we obvious can't stop you from starting in on your icon-making now (we'd encourage all who want to do it, actually), we can tell you PLEASE do not post any early icons here. Wait until Theme 1.01 officially goes live!
~ Wanna help make this community run smoother?? There are several options open to you, including
Volunteering, Mod Positions, and Donation, as well as
Banner/Graphics Making spots available. We hope you'll at least consider filling some of these spots...we'll take all who are willing!
~ Gots an idea for the community as a whole?? Maybe an interesting idea for a future theme?? Problems in general? Head on over to the
Brainstorming post and make your
shanks_lims specific thoughts known! All suggestions, thoughts, inquiries, and bitchings will be read and taken seriously. Do not hesitate to head over and add something.
~ Wanna shack up with us?? The
Affiliates post is the place for you!
^^^ All these links posted above are easily located on the sidebar to your right, in case you need to find them again once this post is long past. ;)
Just a few more things...
~ To make these LIMS as fair as humanly possible, we have decided that the moderator running a specific round will NOT be participating in that round. So, for this first round, I have volunteered to sit it out (giving
dvshipper the change to play with the Shanks pretty - I know she loves it). I know in the past, I've personally had a problem with mods participating - not saying it's a bad thing, of course. You make a LIMS to participate in it! This is just personal preference and I am implementing it. If you do wish to be a mod (and positions are available), please take this into consideration for it will be required of mods to sit out rounds (not ALL, of course).
~ These LATEST NEWS UPDATES will be posted as necessary, and the most recent one will be linked to over in the sidebar.
Have any questions regarding this Latest News post? Comments are open for your asking pleasure!