Announment - Round 2 Postponed

Jul 13, 2010 23:39

 Okay, due to both a lack of participants and a looming insane schedule on my part, I have come to a decision.

I have decided that Round 2 will be postponed and pushed back until AFTER the next several hectic weeks are over with. Dealing with a LIMS community that there seems to be minimal interest in at the moment doesn't have a place in my upcoming busy schedule. So I'm getting it out of the way for the time being.

All who have already signed up for Round 2 will remain on the participants list and I will be leaving sign ups open through the duration of this postponement. If, when announcements go out that Round 2 will be coming back, you do not wish to or do not have the time to participate anymore, it is fine if you pull out.

Will also be working on getting all the caps up for every challenge in the 'break' time so if you are so inclined, you can start making icons.

I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. I really wanted to have Round 2 going by this point, but that just never happened.

Participant increase or not, Round 2 will go on. Whether we get more people to sign up or not, I will run the Round as soon as my schedule will permit.

Keep an eye out for announcements when Round 2 will be going active again. Thinking sometime in September, after the worst of the busyness as died down. 

round 2, *mod post, postponed, participants

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