how do you handle it... how do you focus... how to maintain the normality which you are so used to?
i have no idea. i have no idea because this is all so new. this thing... this marriage thing... i've never done this before. i don't know what to expect and i don't know where life will take me. i don't know how to prepare... things i should say and do...
i just don't know.
and for the first time ever in my entire life... not knowing is really exciting me. have absolutely no idea about anything regarding this... actually makes me happy. thrilled.
i get married in less then two weeks. 13 days. this past week everything just started falling into place. the
photographer... the
live jazz band during and after
dinner and of course... Mad Planet
now, Mad Planet is not one of those places which we completely rented out... so if SOME of you just happen to BE there... the same time we are (after 11:00pm)... well then dang... it'd be nice to hang out with some of you...
with me new wife.
... wow...
my new wife.
i'm so excited. and i just can't hide it.
whoa. whoa. whoa.