Jun 17, 2005 09:20
OK so at work, i've recently made a program to pull the data from our Internet logging server. it's a server that keeps track of all the sites people go to but it was always hard to view the data. So anywho, we started using this last month to monitor the internet usage of our users. I just now ran a query to show the top 10 users. The number 3 user is the VP of Sales. So i pulled up the sites he visited. (its always fun to look at this guys sites because he is ALWAYS going to porn sites. He's pretty much untouchable here so nobody really says anything to him.
Anywho, i pulled up his sites for this month. There were the typical escort services and what not. but then a little further down, i noticed a Transexual pages. I thought well maybe he accidently clicked a link. but the further i went down, the more and more tranny sites i saw. I am dying over here. friggen NASTY, yo!!