052. Cake, Sungmin/Donghae

Mar 12, 2009 23:49

100 suju fic challenge

052. Cake, Sungmin/Donghae

“DONGHAE!!!! Leave the kitchen… NOW!!!”



“hyung~… why are you acting like that?”

Why am I acting like that? Is that boy forgot already what he did last time… I can take the risk to let him in the kitchen… I don’t want Eeteuk hyung fainted (again) when he sees the kitchen after Donghae invasion…

“hyung~ please… I want to make some birthday cake”

“eh? Birthday cake? Whose birthday?”

“hyung!!! don’t tell me you forget about Kibummie birthday”

“damn!! I really forget…”

“see… if it’s not because of me, Kibummie will be sad because no one remember it…”

“Hae, can we just buy the cake with other member?”

Even if you’re the one who remaind me and give me that puppy eyes, doesn’t mean that you can go to the kitchen Hae… I don’t want the apartment burnt down because of I let you make the cake… no no no… I won’t let that… Beside, my puppy eyes will look cuter than you…

“hyung~… how come you can say that?”

“eh? Why?”

“if we make the cake by our self, even if the cake doesn’t taste good, but that still have the value… if we buy it and taste good, it’s just ‘ahhh, taste good’… that’s it…”

“ugh!! O… ok… we’ll make it…”

“yaaayyyyy!!! Let’s make the cakeeee”

“NO!!! not now… PUT THE KNIFE DOWN!!!”

What the hell… I just finish the words and he already take the knife… he really is scary when he reaches the kitchen… dangerous…

“wait until Eeteuk hyung and Ryeowook come”

“ eh?? But…”

“no but!! How about ice cream while waiting?”


Thank God, Donghae is so simple… it’s not hard to drag him outta here….

donghae, sungmin, 100 suju fics challenge, super junior

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