You got me

Jul 15, 2009 01:05

Title: You got me

Pairing: kyuwook, yewook

Rating: R

Length: 1/?

Summary: kyuhyun found his hyung masturbate at his room.

A/N: I can’t believe that I actually make this when I supposed to study for my quiz >.<

Ryeowook was sittig on his bed with eyes still locked in front of his laptop. It was just his curiosity that made him open some fanfic web. He was surprised because, out of other super Junior pairings, there’s still yewook pairing with a NC-17 rating.

He clicked the link to the fic and read it till finish. His eyes widened and his jaws dropped open. He can’t believe that someone could have imagined something like that. The fic was hot… and on top of that, it was about him and Yesung. His roommate and his crush.

Ryeowook read the fic again while imagining Yesung doing that. His pants became tight. He leaned on the wall and started touching himself. His left hand was playing with his nipple while his right hand released his cock  from his pants and start to work on it. Ryeowook let out a small moan. Enjoying his own hands on his cock.

He keeps pumping until he reached his limit. He came in his hand. He rested his head on the cold wall and steadying his breath.

“Are you done?”

Ryeowook surprised by the voice that came from the door. He looked at the source of the voice. It was Kyuhyun. He was standing with his arm crossed and smirks on his face.

“Hyung, it was good. I got a good video 'when Ryeowook hyung masturbate'... wow! nice title”

Ryeowook can’t say anything. His face became pale. He even forgot to wipe his hand and pulled up his pants.

“Were you watching porn hyung?”

Kyuhyun were saying that while walking to where Ryeowook is. There he is, standing in front of Ryeowook who still reclined upon the walls.

“ooo!! I see… so you were reading a fic… a… yewook fic?”

Ryeowook was blushing and couldn't look into Kyuhyun's face. He was too embarrassed to look at super junior’s magnae. He just looked down and closed his eyes.

“Here!!” Kyuhyun throw his handkerchief to Ryeowook face.

“Eh?” Ryeowook finally looked up.

“Clean yourself with that before Eeteuk hyung come and get you”


“Dinner’s ready… you need to hurry”

With that Kyuhyun walked out the room leaving Ryeowook that slightly confused about the change in Kyuhyun.

kyuwook, ryeowook, yesung, yewook, kyuhyun

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