DDR workout hooooo~

Dec 16, 2006 02:12

Trying to get into shape, as I feel horribly out of shape, and want to do something about it. I eat well enough, I never touch sweets or cookies or chips and dip or stuff like that. Just eat dinner and then mostly bread, cheese and milk. Cutting down from 3 lumps of sugar in my cofee to 1 (egads it tastes rancid!) and I even ate, LE GASP, an apple.

But really since I'm not overweight and don't over eat or eat the wrong things so much, the idea is more to get into shape. Replace flabby fat with firm muscle, and all that. For this purpose, I am doing DDR exercises. First time today.

Thing is, I set a goal of 300 kcal burnt using workout mode. Which I got. But it took me like an hour and a half, and I'm wondering if 300 kcal might be too much. It's apparantly the equivalent of a 6.2 km jog, which seems pretty hefty. Anyone wanna comment on this? I'm not a calorie counter, so I don't actually know what the hell I'm doing.

Anyhow: odd thing, after a while I stopped feeling tired. My feet ached a bit but that was it. Huh.

Also, for some reason workout mode doesn't have all the songs I unlocked in dance master mode. Does anyone know DDR and would like to comment on this? I'd like to have a wider selection in workout mode!
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