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Mar 31, 2008 11:43

I've learned a lot since becoming a Mommy.Things they either don't tell you or you just don't understand until it happens to you.  Here are a few

-Toothbrush gags. Yeah. What the hell?
-You're tired (as in sleep 12 hours and still take a mid day nap tired) in the first trimester. I always thought it only be at the very end, when you're heavy with baby.
-Hormones. It's not the silliness they joke about on TV, but they are wacky. There were moments of "Seriously, why am I crying?"
-Labor is REALLY FUCKING PAINFUL. And having the nurses asking you to "rate your pain on a scale from 1-10" is probably the most annoying thing EVER!
- a 10 minute shower is a luxury
-You can live without taking a shower.
-Don't watch those High risk pregnancy reality shows.
-Never have I been ok with being woken up every 2 hours
-You get damn good at running all your errands in a 3 hour window
-I have to leave the house 20 minutes before I need to leave the house to only arrive 10 minutes late
-Breast feeding isn't easy. They make it seem like you just hold the baby to your chest, she drinks, there is no pain, all is good.
-The nursery nurses are CRAZY. They're feeding NAZIS!!!!!
-It really will be ok. Breast feeding gets easier. Your milk will come in, the baby will get nourishment. CPS isn't going to come and take your baby, your husband won't leave you and your family isn't going to disown you.
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