Nov 28, 2005 23:56
1. "I hate people like you who talk behind people's backs"
This from an anon. poster. Interesting.
2. "peopel like you are what makes me want to commit a genecide. not that you know what that is."
I do happen to know what GENOCIDE (note the 'o' after the 'n') is, and given the fact that it isn't a noun, you can't commit 'a genocide', you would say 'commit genocide'. Also, since I'm caucasian, just which race are you planning to annihilate? I'm willing to bet that you, too, are of the same race as me - since you are, in fact, from Wadsworth, and are in one of the choirs.
3. I do happen to know that yes, at times, I can be a bitch. I'm not exactly proud of it, but, dear, if you are going to go out of your way to read my journal, I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't flame anonymously. Normally, I wouldn't mind, because I like lj drama just as much as the next person. But, please, if you're going to get angry at me for "talking behind people's backs" (which, I might add, I may have done, but Hannah certainly did NOT do- so please, if you must get angry, get angry at me, not my friends. I happen to stick up for my friends as well.), please don't go out of your way to hide your identity from me. Hypocrisy just doesn't settle quite right with me.
4. Yes, I did have feelings for two people at once. I'm not sure if that makes me a bad person, or - this puzzles me a bit - how you have so much knowledge of my personal affairs - but I'm fairly positive that this doesn't make me "greaty". Mostly because I wasn't aware that that was a word.
5. I'll admit that I honestly don't know Joan very well. But I happen not to like her, and I believe that that's my choice. You'll notice that I'm not trying to redeem myself here - you're free to hate me as much as you wish. I just ask that if you are going to condemn me for judging someone that I barely know, please don't do the same to me. I resent the fact that you tell me that I'm "not good at anything". To be honest, you accomplished your goal on that one. It really ripped into me for a moment, until I realized that just as I don't know "who Joan really is" you don't know who I really am.
6. I'm coming to the concert. I will sit in my seat, and quietly enjoy myself until it is time to sing the Hallelujah Chorus, and when the alumni are invited onto stage (by Mrs. Mac, mind you, NOT you) I just might get up and sing it for old time's sake. If you feel the need to take this up with me then, please, feel free to repeat yourself in front of your friends and show me who you are. I'm sure you wouldn't be at all embarrassed to use that sort of language in front of your friends and family. And I'm sure everyone will understand that I should die a horrible death for having a GODDAMN OPINION.
Happy Holidays!