My weekend!

Feb 23, 2005 09:32

Well its been awhile sence iv written in here,

But lets see, i guess i can sum up whats been goin on latley starting from this past friday..

Well... i went with cynthia to Colgate College and got to meet her friends... all of which were funny as all hell and wicked fun to chill with. While at colegate with cynthia we also attended some wild hockey games, both of which colgate WON!! During those games we crashed with the Pep. band, getting the crowd going and yelling out annoying phrases to the opposition.. which was VERY funny.. then afterwords we did a heck of alot of partying... which was sweet too!! I think if i could i would deff. switch into that school, lol for the Pep. band and all the parties... never the less, it was awsome! i got to see another side of cynthia, and most of all it was really nice just to site back and relax and most of all, see the pure excitment/joy or what ever you want to call it on her face!! i can tell she misses it.

Lets see, i got back from Colgate with Cynthia, on Sunday around 6:30ish pm.. having done so we kinda just hung out at her house talking, and just recapping on all the fun and excitment with her mom and younger brother, That and building in the excitment of her father coming home within just a few hours. After dinner, and a long wait of fun and music, we musterd to the truck and took off to the airport to pickup her father who was waiting for us patiently lol.... after a welcoming hello home, we all pilled back into the truck and went back to her house where we mingled for just over half and hour before i departed back to the firehouse.

After a nice long nights rest, and getting ready to get out of bed, the dam alarm went off which sounded off how it seemed my day was going to go. We went on the run, and eventually returned. After a fun day of paperwork and studies i wound down my day and got ready for tuesday, which would be the worst day yet!

Tuesday rolled around, waking up at the normal sched., taking a shower and all that other great stuff.. i had just finished dressin when i heard a call for engine 1 fire company to assisst Rescue 1 at a medical call. I jumped the truck and headed code 3 to the residence, but having screwed up the directions i ended up turning around in a driveway and then backing up to what i thought was at first a snow bank and then later realized it wasnt, somthing a little more solid.. infact a telephone pole.. yea those dont give way.. but the tailboard of my truck does... really looks nice too about $3K worth of damage to the rear... which it doesnt look that expensive when you look at it for what the damages could have been, its the slight problem that they have to do so much fabrication to fix it.. so my new nickname around the station is CRASH and ..... i have without any effort entered my name into the "Fuck Up of the Year" award that they give out at every firemens dinner in march... speakin of which... hmm i best go take care of that well ill write a new entry later!!


pps. Cynthia.. loved meeting your dad and i hope that your having a great time at Sunday River... look forword to talking with you real soon!!
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