(no subject)

Dec 09, 2008 19:56

Queers United (queerunity ) has this to say today about Dr. Phil and his transphobic bullshit:

t seems Dr. Phil likes to capitalize on transgender misunderstanding and hatred on his show.

"You fool me once shame on you, you fool me twice shame on me"

We must commit to no longer stand idly by as Dr. Phil continues his knack and enjoyment for stigmatizing trans folks. He previously held a program on "Gender Confused Kids" even going so low as to bring in an "expert" from the queerphobic, anti-science & psychology Focus on the Family.

He has two upcoming shows that deal with transsexuality, and they are currently looking for guests.

One titled "Is It Wrong For a Little Boy To Wear Pink?""Do you think parents who allow their children to dress in opposite sex clothes are wrong? That boys should not be allowed to play with dolls? Girls shouldn't be into super heroes?

Or do you have a child who wanted to play with something of the opposite sex but you would not allow it? Do you feel that boundaries should be set so that young girls play with Barbies and should love the color pink while boys should like sports, action figures, and playing rough?"
Just the wording of this show is offensive and plays into gender stereotyping. Why isn't there a call for parents and real experts who are supportive of their trans children, or is this only to have a one sided view on people who want to express trans-bigotry.

The other show once again plays on the so called "abnormality" of trans people. The title is called "Gender Confused Child?""Does your child seem confused about his/her gender? Do you feel your daughter is a tomboy? Does she love sports, hanging with the boys or despise the color pink?

Or does your son dress up in your clothes, wear your shoes or even put on your make-up? Does he play with dolls instead of action figures?

Are you concerned about your child and worried this may end up being more than just a phase? Is it even causing tension in your marriage? OR, are you someone who used to cross-dress as a child but now you've outgrown it?"
This show is once again asserting that transgender behavior is confusion, sick, and somehow can be "cured".

These shows are offensive, transphobic, and Dr. Phil is continuing to put out misinformation in the name of psychology.

Administrative Contact:
Peteski Productions Inc
Barbara Robinson
137 N Larchmont Blvd #705
Los Angeles, CA 90004

Click to email Barbara Robinson

Also be sure to use their E-Contact Form to contact the show.
Phone: 1-323-9563393

Reposted with permission. Go ye, shangy feminists, and strike back against Dr. Phil and his transphobic ass.

While you're at it, ask your local GLBT organization to join you in calling for an independent investigation into the murder of Duanna Johnson. (Notice how they say "found dead" in the headline? Makes me want to punch shit.) I don't think those assholes in Memphis that beat and maced her, who are still parties to a lawsuit about her treatment at their hands, can be trusted to do their best work in the case. Do you? That's what I thought. You can contact the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation at 1-615-744-4000.

I just realized Ms. Johnson doesn't have a WIkipedia page. I think I'll get on that when I'm done working for the night.

murder victims, transphobia, popelizbet, do something about this please, equal rights for chicks and junk

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