Title: Killing Sammy's Time
Summary: Nobody can see Dean, which would suck enough if not for the fact that his wheezy brother's having a hideous time trying to breathe. And it's hard to take care of Sam when Dean doesn't have a body and nobody can hear him. And a reaper won't stop following him. Except he's beginning to think it's not him the reaper
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The implications were....awesome. The way you integrated it into the show's plot to make everything turn out the same way was just incredible. And at least nobody KNOWS that John died for nothing...until, y'know, Tessa restores Dean's memories later on. But you're right. It would've been kind of lovely if they'd both been spared Hell at the end of season 2. *Dreamy sigh* Not that I wouldn't "ugly-cry" at that myself but....it's lovely nonetheless. Or as lovely as bleeding out in a muddy clearing can be....Poor John though would be under 24 hour suicide watch a la Bobby Singer after that...And then they could be badass hunting partners and have an old guy bromance... (I am getting way too carried away by this idea.)
Actually, one of the fics I may come to you with advice about in the future (pretty far in the future as I have several things I have to write before it) will require me to mess with the canon in an even bigger way and will have to resolve the Cold Oak issue among many others...An AU prompt in which 4-year-old Dean didn't survive the fire....
Cold Oak issue?
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