Title: You May Tire of Me
Summary: Dean and Sam have a lot in common. One is that they get better but they don't get well.
Wordcount: 4,623
Author's Note: Jess Lives-verse! (This verse needs a title, does anyone have ideas? Hit me!) This one sort of took on a life of its own. Also I have no naming convention for these yet. I'm flying blind, people.
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Also, have I mentioned that I like your Jess? Because I do.
“One time.” Dean drains his glass and leans over the table to her. “One time I was fishing with Sam and he fell in.” He isn't sure if this actually happened.
Best line in the fic.
And then the ending! The bank statement! Sam! T.T His happily ever after isn't working out very well, is it? And then Jess stepping up where Sam won't.
I'm a little confused about the alcoholism. I'm pretty sure Dean didn't drink that much in that last Stanford fic (chronologically), so is this something that happened gradually as a response to Dean staying in one place? Is he drinking because of the stress of living beside Sam-and-Jess-together?
I sense some Sam/Jess/Dean vibes in here amidst the angst. I would not be opposed to that.
ding ding ding. there will be more of this.
I sense some Sam/Jess/Dean vibes in here amidst the angst. I would not be opposed to that.
ding ding ding
Also! For a 'verse name, what about 'Tangled'?
Ooh, yay! It breaks my heart that this 'verse's Dean is in love with Sam and Sam doesn't love him back that way in the other Sammyverse so if he gets it in this one, then yay!
And this fic. Dean's drinking problem interfering with caring for Sam and just...ouch.
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