Nov 19, 2014 23:51
I'm in need of inspiration for my verse. Anything you'd like to see? Anything at all? I'll take it all and chew it up and spit out something pretty, hopefully.
ETA: Damn, you guys are fantastic. Keep it coming.
ETAA: going ahead and dating this out of order because I WANT ALL YOUR PROMPTS ALWAYS
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OR write a fic about The Benders like I think you've alluded to in a fic before. (is alluded even the right word....?)
OR something with peanuts
OR Hell House cause you know that house was dusty and shit and the ghostfacers are my favorite
OR something set during that period of time when Sam had a cast, i'll stop being obnoxious now
Something from Heart. Like I totally want to know what Dean feels about the whole Madison/Sam relationship either before or after she dies....OR BOTH
Something either from or similar to the flashbacks in After School Special. Like having kids make fun of Sam for his asthma and he's like Ha! No! I can beat the shit out of you.
Hmmmmm, this probably wouldn't work as a fic, but I've just decided on a new asthma sam headcanon. In crossroad blues, when the crossroads demon is trying to make and deal with Dean for John to come back, she like totally throws in that she could take away Sam's asthma for good.
OH OH Folsom Prison Blues cause you know all those prisoners were totally smoking everywhere
ugh these are just awesome for me to think about, you don't even have to write any of them haha (but they would be awesome if you did......)
have tooootally been thinking about this and how to work with it.
THESE ARE SO GOOD AND I'M LOVING THEM. keep going keep going.
I know you are iffy about writing anything past season 2 (I want them to stay happy before all the hell and apocalypse stuff too) but something similar to Bad Day at Black Rock. I love cursed boys. Sam gets cursed or very sick Sam has to deal with cursed Dean.
ugh all the rest of my ideas are past season 2 and are all angsty because supernatural can never let me be happy. Although I am curious to how Castiel would react to an asthma attack. He would probably heal Sam or something which is so the opposite of what I want....
sigh, he probably would. cas. such mixed feelings.
Okay, now you've given me like brain crack and I can't stop thinking of things I want to see, I'm sorry. And they're not even really asthma related....which is maybe a good thing because poor Sam, he needs some good days.
I love seeing the boys do random every day stuff like doing laundry. (yes I am currently doing laundry and that's why I thought of this.) I also love to see them giving each other hair cuts. Or if one is really injured and sick and the other one shaves for them. I know that's so weird, but I've read it before once or twice and I don't know guh.
BODY SWAP. Dean has to deal with Sam's asthma and Sam is like, oh...this is what it's like to breath.
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