i don't get it.
N-umma seems to be popular among girl groups' members? just found out they were on a show with KARA. holy shit. i mean. KARA. and it's nicole. dude nicole is liek the coolest. but why N and eunyoung so popular? is it because of N's nappeun namja persona on "the romantic and idol season 2"?
dun get it man.
cha hakyeon, what the hell mom. you know i'm ready to be Ndipus for you.
holy shit? on the all kpop with girl groups. what the frack N, y u popular with girls? but i still want to believe that you're not into girls while there's a girl besides eunyoung that picked you? that blonde ombre haired girl what's her name from crayon pop? what the hell. nae shimjang. my hearteu. it's.