Birth Control

Nov 08, 2004 15:03

My name is Ye Lu, a 23-year-old Chinese girl from Shanghai. Friends call me Lu or Lulu. And I have no siblings. I don’t know if other countries in the world are the same as China. But I did was told that China is an exceptional case for birth rate control. And my generation is the first one to be executed.

I don’t like this policy personally, but on the other hand, I support it. When I was a little girl at the preschool age. My parents had to work. Therefore, I was locked in the room to play with myself. The room felt as if it’s a jail and how I wish that someone would talk and play games with me, even fighting was better than staying alone. I have been always craving for a big brother whom I could consult with about boy issue or a sister whom I could share my secrets with and laugh over silly things together or a little brother whom I could easily ‘bully’. Old generation said that they spoil us all. So many bad features belong to us: selfishness, laziness, heartlessness etc. We are entitled to be little emperors and princesses. They have to change the way to treat their kids. However, it is easy to say than do. Chinese parents nowadays don’t have other choices but can’t help spoiling us because we are the only kid in each family. On the surface, it sounds good to us. We take this advantage to do whatever we want to do. Nevertheless, we are actually under the great pressure. As the center of our families, our parents want to know everything about our personal or impersonal life. Their over care is like a burden to us because my generation has already grown up and we don’t want to be kept under the roof and protected all the time. In a bad way to say, we are annoyed! But on our parents’ sides, they also have their own confessions, my mom once told me that she felt very regretful that she didn’t give another birth, she also feel very lonely if I am not at home to be her company. And some day she knows that I will leave then she will miss me to death. If she had another kid, at least she would get distraction from missing me. When I heard this, I felt very sorry and sad for my mom. I wish things would’ve been better for her. However I feel helpless.

The reason why I support it because China owns such a big population and the birth control seems the only way to solve this issue. The boosting population caused a lot of problems such as food shortage, workforce excess, keen competition amongst the students and so on. If China didn’t execute this policy I couldn’t imagine the result in the future. From this point of view, I am in favor of it. As time goes by, the changing of birth control is unavoidable. The latest news I’ve heard about it is that if the couple both of them is the only child, then they are allowed to have two babies without paying extra money in the future. That is definitely good news!

I hope some day Chinese kids will be no longer lonely in their family. They can happily enjoy the company of their siblings as the same as the kids in other countries. And I know that day will become true.
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