The two biggest signs of instability are Denial and Scapegoating.
Denial such as "I don't have a drinking problem, you just have a problem with my drinking!"
Scapegoating such as "You made me drink and steal prescription meds!"
Co-Dependency such as "I can't sleep unless you are next to me," or "I have never lived on my own." One of the best signs of independence is whether or not a person has ever completed a lease on thier own :) list of symptoms:
Superficially engaging and charming behavior, phoniness
(obvious to anyone overhearing a conversation with a figure of authority, like someones elses parents)
Avoidance of eye contact
( everyone is familiar with the canted body, shifted eye twitching when angry)
Indiscriminate affection with strangers
(nuff said :) )
Lack of affection in a reciprocal manner
(you have to live it to believe, but enough was still witnessed by others to know I'm not insane)
Destructiveness to self, others, and material things
(can you say "cutting"?, violence against loved ones,ect.)
Cruelty to animals
(neglect of Pete, and kicking Tumbleweed)
Crazy lying (lying in the face of the obvious)
(lets see, uh, didn't cheat, don't have drinking problem, don't know where the money went, you were abusive to the kids, don't know what happened to the loki/hydrocodone, my father did "X" to me, I hate cheaters, ect.,ect.,ect.)
Poor impulse control
(yeah, uh, trying inappropriate things with J., while my father sleeps in the next room, with the door open!...ect.)
Learning lags
Lack of cause/effect thinking
(if I drink and drive, I go to jail and lose my child,... noone will notice that I'm cheating with the neighbor, like my ex did to me,... if I have a baby my problems will magically go away (didn't work with C.) ...if we buy house it will all be better, ect.)
Lack of conscience
(always someones elses fault,and that justifies the impulsive lashing out,never held accountable for ones own choices)
Abnormal eating patterns
(wierd weight gain/loss)
Poor peer relationships
(no long term friendships,and strained relations with those)
Preoccupation with fire and/or gore
(I like to get fucked up and do fucked up shit! and POI :) )
Persistent nonsense questions and chatter indicating a need to control
( if picking fights about nothing count...)
Inappropriate clinginess and demandingness
( uh, yeah)
Inappropriate sexuality
(a chimpanzee may read A Road Less Travelled,but it doesn't mean that the chimp understands it)
Understand that I did not make this diagnosis, I merely saw truth in it.
caused by:
Fear of intimacy
Overwhelming feelings of shame (not guilt... shame causes a person to want to hide and not be seen. So, for example, some children’s chronic lying can be seen as a manifestation of this pervasive sense of shame. A lie is then another way to hide.)
Chronic feelings of being unloved
Chronic feelings of being unlovable
A distorted view of self, other, and relationships based on past maltreatment
Lack of trust
Feeling that nothing the child does can make a difference; hence, low motivation and poor academic performance
A core sense of being Bad
Difficulty asking for help
Difficulty relying on others in a cooperative and collaborative manner