Thursday January 25th ... on the way to work

Jan 27, 2007 14:00

So ... being in a city the size of Shanghai one would almost expect to see some sort of crime. As I was walking to work and about to cross a street I see a police motorcycle coming towards me with its lights and sirens blaring. Then I see a man running with what looks like a large wheel that goes on some sort of cart. The police man motions to the traffic guard for help and the man with said cart wheel takes off running with the wheel. I continue on my way to school as the man runs past me deeking out the traffic guard with the police man following on his motorcycle. I couldn't help but laugh out loud and think that I must be on an asian episode of Just for Laughs Gags.  The man with the wheel finally throws the wheel away in an effort to loose the two men chasing him but gets caught. After all the running and deeking, when the traffic guard finally grabbed him the wheel man did not protest. It was as if they were playing football and he was tackled and the play was over. I didn't stick around to see the outcome as the police man drove up but I couldn't help but think what an odd start to the day I had.

The day itself progressed as usual with no major events to speak of. The kids came, I taught, I went to the gym after work and then home. At around 9pm my ear started to feel a little funny but I didn't think much of it because I have had a head cold for the past week and was just getting over it. Then at 11:00 I was in so much pain I seriously thought that I was going to have to go to emergency. A quick call to Kevin in a near state of panic I decided to try to soothe it with a hot water bottle. This worked (along with 2 tylenol) .. I woke up an hour later in even more pain though .. refilled the water bottle and suffered through another hour or so of pain before finally falling asleep. In the morning I was not shocked to find my ear was draining fluid and blood. Not shocked only because this happened to me years ago in grade 7or 8 or something .. just as suddenly and although I can't really remember how painful it was ... I recall crying in the doctor's office and the doctor making a joke by saying " I bet your glad your friends can't see you right now". Anyway ... a second trip to the hospital here in Shanghai for me and it was decided that I have an ear infection .. which took a long time to be confirmed and the doctor kept asking me if I had scratched my ear. I'm pretty sure I'd remember scratching my ear so hard that it started bleeding from inside! I have to go back in a weeks time as there may be a hole in my ear drum .. and of course I have no idea what that may mean .. but I do recall last time this happened going to an ear specialist to make sure no damage had been done to my hearing ... needless to say I have restricted my self to my apartment this weekend to make sure I get all the rest my body needs to heal this thing so that it does not get any worse .. I will keep you posted.

So there is my strangest day in Shanghai to date I think .. although many little strange things happen on a daily basis the big start and finish to this day makes it a winner!

I finally figured out how to upload pictures again .. here is one of me in Xi'an with the 8th wonder of the world : The Terra Cotta Warriors!

The picture to the right is of a market in Xi'an .. I took the picture from the top of the city wall, and the misty finish is not a reflection of my poor photography but of the smog/dust in the air in Xi'an .. when we blew our noses it was black .. yuck!

Me and my bike at the end of the 12km city wall loop!

The islamic area in Xi'an .. lots of street vendors and yummy street food!

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