My science laugh for the day - "Sex and the City stars stay upright because h = Q.(12+3s/8) say scientists"
Seriously, someone decided to analyze the science between how high a pair of high heels can actually be (not including the concept of platform shoes) and make an equation to describe it.
h = Q•(12+3s/8)
Q = -------------------------------------
s = size
p = shoe sex appeal ("pull" in Brit-speak)
y = years of high-heel experience
L = the cost of the shoes, in pounds
t = the time since the shoe was the height of fashion
A = units of alcohol ingested
I have to ask... who paid for this, and why weren't they around when I needed funding for a ridiculous "scientific" sociology experiment in college? I am sure I could have come up with something at least as interesting and far more useful.
I do appreciate the fact that someone has now tried to correlate cost and fashion and sex appeal to whether a woman will wear a pair of shoes. But I shouldn't be surprised at some of their "non-scientific" deductions :
Dr Stevenson went on to describe how 'Q' - the essential sociological factor had been worked out.
"Essentially this part of the formula explains what women have always known - that you don't buy shoes just because they are comfortable, you can afford them and they look good - many other variables come into play"
Really? Obviously Dr. Stevenson has never worn a pair of hot looking but painful shoes to any event... since they tend to get kicked off under the table as soon as possible. But maybe I am just not a sociological norm, since I refuse to wear an uncomfortable pair of shoes (high heeled or not) if they hurt my feet.
My favorite quote:
Laura Grant, a physicist from Liverpool University welcomes the Institute's new formula commenting, "many of my physicist colleagues have no trouble understanding quantum mechanics but can't figure out how women can wear high heels. Now I can explain to them how I minimise the probability of tripping up".
HAH. I think for Christmas I will send a t-shirt that says
h = Q•(12+3s/8)
to every woman I know that is in the field of engineering or hard science.