Title: The Torchwood Divergence
Series: Doctor Who/Torchwood
Type: Continuation
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/9345302/3/The-Torchwood-Divergence The Return of Donna Noble
Martha Jones, formerly of UNIT and a recent hire at Torchwood, checked her phone and blinked in surprise at the unfamiliar number. "Hello?" she asked.
"Martha, it's Donna Noble. Could I see you?" the hurried voice asked.
THAT made Martha do a double take. She knew Donna, of course. They had met several times when Donna had been travelling with the Doctor. But Donna shouldn't have known HER, considering that her memories were wiped...
"This is Martha, but I don't think we've met," she lied glibly.
Donna sighed dramatically. "You are Martha Jones, you worked for UNIT, you travelled time and space with the Doctor, you were Shakespeare's inspiration for his Dark Lady and had a massive crush on the Doctor." She paused, "Need I go on?"
"No," Martha admitted. "Where and when?"
They arranged to meet, then Martha hung up. After a moment's thought, she dialled another phone number on her cellphone, had a short conversation, then headed out.
The cafe they were meeting at was not that far from the Cardiff headquarters of Torchwood-3, which Martha suspected was not a coincidence. She scanned the room, seeing tables packed with hip looking teens and adults trying to be cool. And over in the corner, a familiar looking redhead arguing with a waiter.
"I said I wanted tea, not bilgewater," Donna gestured, "I wouldn't serve this to my worst enemy."
"Of which you probably have many," the man sassed back.
"Oi!" Donna grinned, "Look at the mouth on you, boy."
He smiled, "I'll go put some fresh tea on, ma'am. Be right back."
"Thanks," Donna waved him off then smiled as she saw Martha. "Hey, get over here!" she waved her towards her.
Martha headed over, noting some thing. When Donna had absorbed some of the Doctor's regeneration energy she had become livelier, more expressive, and had a imposible amount of knowledge. That seemed to be there, now, but... not as much.
"Good to see you," Martha nodded. She hesitated then bluntly asked, "Are you all right? The Doctor said..."
"That if I regained my memories I'd burn out and die," Donna finished. She smirked, "Turns out the Doctor doesn't know everything."
The young man returned with tea, and they both got cups and dosed them with their usual additives. Taking a sip of her drink Martha asked, "So what happened, exactly?"
Donna took a drink of her own tea. "Well, after the regeneration, I had a lot of the Doctor's knowledge crammed in my head, including what would probably happen to me," Donna noted.
"The burning out thing," Martha nodded.
"So I... kind of hacked what the Doctor did to me," Donna admitted. "He thought he erased my memories, but instead they were just suppressed. At the same time, I set it up so that my brain could rewire itself to handle the load."
"So after a few weeks..," Martha murmured, fascinated.
"It finished and I got my memories back," Donna smirked proudly. A bit more sheepishly she added, "I DO have to be careful going full-on Time Lord, because that won;t be good for me. But other than that, I'm fine."
Drinking a bit more tea, Martha considered what she said. "What are you going to do now?" she wondered.
"Dunno yet," Donna admitted. "I want to do something useful, but I'm also gonna have to keep my head down."
"Huh?" Martha blinked.
"River Song and others from the future didn't know I came back," Donna shrugged. "Better keep it that way, if only to preserve the timeline."
They talked for awhile, Martha enjoying the zing of the other woman's sharp wit. Finally she asked, "Are you going to tell the Doctor?"
"Don't think so," Donna shook her head firmly, "I know Time Lords. Hell, I was one for a few hours. He'll feel obligated to keep an eye on me and make sure nothing happens. No, I think I'll manage on my own."
"I guess so," Martha agreed.
Martha headed out of the cafe then out to the street, walking until she found the alley. She had phoned someone else after Donna called, and they should be arriving just about... now.
There was a repeated whooshing noise and the policebox materialized, fading in and out a moment before becoming solid. The door jerked open and the Doctor emerged, a slightly more gangly figure than the one Martha remembered.
"How is she?" the Doctor asked. He smiled wryly, "Well, how are YOU too, Martha. It's good to see you again."
"We're both fine," Martha reassured him, then she proceeded to tell him about her conversation with Donna.
"She's right, probably," the Doctor admitted ruefully. "The rewiring of the synapses... I should have thought of that! She's brighter than me, in some ways."
"So are you going to...?" Martha gestured vaguely.
"I'll leave her alone," the Doctor said, shrugging. "If something goes VERY wrong, I trust she'll call me. Or you or Jack, since I expect he'll be keeping a eye out too..."
To be continued...
Notes: Yes, Donna Noble rebooted her own brain. It was that or have her get hit by a car, die and regenerate, regaining her full memories.