Title: Shattered Ice: Super Sailor Mercury
Series: Sailor Moon
Type: Divergence
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/1418906/45/ Chapter 45
"I am surrounded by utter barbarians," Ami said woefully as she drank her cup of tea, her blue hair slightly windswept.
Nicole Mizuno hid a smile as she looked at her aggrieved daughter, sitting across from her in the cafe. It had been a day or so since the encounter with the monster factory, and the young woman was still upset over the decision they had to make.
"Can you imagine what we could have learned?" Ami sighed. "It was... incredibly old. Predating humans on earth, possibly!"
"Still, it was spitting out monsters," Nicole noted with amusement. "What did Setsuna say?" she asked curiously.
"She agrees it's a loss, but she also agreed with Haruka and Michiru," Ami admitted as she drank a bit of her tea.
"Does disagreeing with your girlfriend bother you?" Nicole asked curiously, gesturing to encourage Ami to eat too.
Ami paused thoughtfully. "A bit," she conceded, "though I can understand their point of view too. It had to be stopped, but... it's still regrettable."
"True," Nicole agreed.
"Anyway...," Ami shook her head, "how are things at home? I understand that Princess Kakyuu has asked to stay with you?"
Nicole snorted with amusement. "The Starlights are mother hening her so bad she begged to get away," Nicole noted with a smile.
Ami hid a smile. She had seen the way that Kakyuu interacted with her mother, and wondered if there was something more going on there. On the other hand, she didn't feel like it was her place to speculate. "How are Seiya and the others taking it?" she asked.
"Not well," Nicole laughed, "they're insisting on of them sleeping over on my couch at all times, just in case."
Ami had to laugh at that mental image. "I almost feel sorry for them," she noted.
"How has the fallout been, now that they know who you are?" Nicole asked curiously.
"Not too bad," Ami said diplomatically.
Nicole raised her eyebrow, clearly sceptical about that statement.
"Okay, yes, it's kind of odd," Ami admitted laughing softly. "They knew how to deal with me, as a academic weirdo and as Sailor Mercury. Knowing I'm both changes things a bit."
Nicole bit back a sigh at the 'academic weirdo' comment. If there was anything she regretted in how she raised Ami, it was how hard she had pushed her academically. Yes, she had produced a brilliant daughter, but socially she was still rather stunted. If not for meeting Usagi and the others, Nicole had no idea how she might have turned out.
"You are not a academic weirdo," Nicole noted as mildly as possible.
Ami waved that off. "Anyway, I think we'll get to the point where we can interact casually again," she said, "it'll just take time."
"You could invite them over to your place?" Nicole suggested. As Ami gave her a questioning look she added, "I suspect they have a odd mental image of you as a Sailor Soldier and academic whiz. Seeing your home might help that."
"I'll think about it," Ami answered neutrally.
"So, do we tell the Starlights who we are too?" Haruka asked as they walked to school the next day.
The three had met up not far from school, while their ally Iron Mouse was covertly shadowing them. After her performance at the concert all three felt a bit better having her close by, in case trouble came. 'I can't believe I thought that,' Michiru mused with amusement.
"I tend towards yes, but I'm biased," Ami noted with a smile.
Haruka smiled slightly. "I'll admit I'm more cautious than you are," she admitted, "but it worries me, having people we barely know having our secrets."
"We have their secret too," Michiru noted calmly. "I think we should tell them, since they can probably deduce it at this point anyway."
"I thought our transformation magic kept people from figuring that out?" Haruka wondered.
"Up to a point, certainly," Ami admitted, " but no magic is infallible, I think. People can work it out, as Minako found out back in London."
"That detective that figured it out," Michiru nodded thoughtfully.
Haruka puffed out a sigh. "Well, at least if we tell them we can discuss things in school," she conceded reluctantly.
They watched the Starlight's van pull up, and the three young men jump out. Interestingly Seiya seemed much less energetic than usual, yawning sleepily as they waved to the gazing students. "I wonder what kept him up?" Michiru wondered.
"I guess my mom wasn't exaggerating," Ami noted, then told the others how the three were taking turns guarding their princess.
"There's a idea," Haruka noted, giving Ami a thoughtful look.
"Don't even think about it," Ami ordered as Haruka laughed and they all headed to class, splitting up to go to their separate classrooms.
There was less fan activity around the Three Lights, which Ami sort of supposed was understandable. The schoolgirls had obviously gotten used to the three singers and regarded them as just one of the gang, so to speak.
In this, Ami was profoundly unaware of what was going on in her school. Within a week of their arrival a unofficial 'Three Lights protection brigade' had formed, the primary duty of which was to control the Three Lights fangirls. The group kept girls from other schools visiting in controlled numbers, as well as monitoring their friends. A sub group of fans of Ami, Haruka and Michiru was also out there, and both groups were unofficially supervised by Setsuna Meiou. Why? Because it amused her. Anyway...
"Ami," Taiki sat down as the brown haired man anxiously asked, "please, can you try to reason with her?"
"Princess Kakyuu or my mother?" Ami guessed.
"Either one," Seiya sighed.
Yaten added, "Both."
Ami bit back a chuckle, knowing they were serious. "What, exactly, do you want her to do?" she asked reasonably.
"We want her somewhere we can effectively protect her," Seiya said after a moment, "and respectfully, your mother's home is not that place."
"Agreed," Ami surprised them.
"So you'll help?" Yaten asked.
"I didn't say that," Ami admitted. She looked from face to face, "How long did Kakyuu manage here without your protection?"
All three looked uncomfortable. "Months," Taiki conceded.
Ami nodded as she added, "AND we have no proof she's even in any danger, do we?" She corrected, "Well, any more danger than any of us face with Galaxia here."
"Yeah," Yaten nodded.
"Plus, the three of you are famous. A woman appearing out of nowhere and moving in with you will be remarked upon. And your band is at least on Galaxia's radar, since her people used you in a scheme," Ami pointed out relentlessly.
"We could have her pose as our staff," Seiya started.
"Still would stand out. Plus you'd have to explain Chibi-Chibi," Ami noted. "Plus, Galaxia knows that your princess has three guardians. You take her in, you match the pattern exactly." She finished relentlessly, "Arguably, she's better off as far from your as possible."
"You are a evil woman," Taiki sighed after a moment of silence.
"My mother has a communication device," Ami continued gently, "and I'm sure you gave Kakyuu one. If something happens we both will do our best to save them."
Yaten scowled. "Are you being serious about why we shouldn't have her with us?" he asked.
"Somewhat," Ami said honestly. "Everything I said is accurate as far as I know. That doesn't mean I'm right, but..."
Seiya sighed, nodding slightly. "You may have a point," he conceded.
"Ahem," the teacher cleared his throat. The four of them looked up, realizing they'd been talking into the time class was supposed to start. "All done?" he asked wryly.
"Sorry, sir," Ami half bowed in her seat.
"Never mind, you just get to answer the first few questions," he chuckled good naturedly.
Ami slipped away at a break to see Setsuna, but there was a sick girl resting in the nurse's office. Sadly. No necking on break. They did manage an kiss and a few minutes of conversation, then Ami reluctantly headed back to class.
"Care to join us for lunch?" Seiya invited, looking just a bit desperate.
Ami looked faintly amused as she walked with the three, "Still hoping that I'll talk my mother into sending Kakyuu back with you?"
"Hopefully," Yaten said with a smile.
As they headed to the cafeteria, the three men nearly growled as they saw Haruka and Michiru heading towards them. Haruka looked nearly as displeased, but she managed a smile as she said, "Could I talk to you?"
Seiya raised his eyebrows but nodded. "Join us for lunch?" he sighed.
They all picked up cafeteria trays and got their food, then claimed their usual table. "I'm Sailor Uranus," Haruka blurted suddenly.
"Smooth," Michiru sighed as the others gaped.
To be continued...