Title: The Club, a MGLN Alternate Universe
Series: MGL Nanoha
Type: Alternate Universe
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6251488/8/ Chapter Eight: New Year
The Club was bustling as Nanoha laughed at something Fate said, cuddling to the young woman's side. The place was as busy as usual, but tonight's New Years thing was by invitation only. They were also letting certain people bring their kids in for the party too, with the youngsters mostly supervised by Shamal.
"So who does Einhart belong to?" Fate asked curiously as the silvery haired girl played with Vivio under the watchful eyes of Shamal.
"I think she's been adopted by Signum," Nanoha admitted. "I don't know all the details, but they're distantly related."
"Huh," Fate nodded. Both women were going very easy on the booze, since neither really liked getting drunk.
They had enjoyed a quiet Christmas together a few days ago. Neither Fate or Nanoha were particularly religious, but it was a good excuse to get the people you loved together and reaffirm the bonds of family. They had stopped in at the Takamachi household, where Fate and met Nanoha's siblings, and then they went to the Harloun household, where Nanoha met Chrono.
Fate had been a bit worried that Chrono wouldn't take her being with Nanoha well, as the older boy had had a crush on her when they were younger. But he was quite gracious, and she heard later that he 'warned Nanoha to take care of his little sister. It was quite touching, really.
"Have you forgiven me for springing Mom on you?" Nanoha asked curiously, a impish smile teasing her lips as she referred to what happened a few weeks ago.
Fate laughed, shaking her head. "Oh, I suppose so," she admitted. "I was... rather surprised at how well she knew you. She certainly figured out I was more than just your friend."
Nanoha snickered at that. "Yeah," she admitted, "I think I was always sort of... attuned to other girls, rather than guys. I had a few crushes over the years, though I think you're my first really serious girlfriend."
"I'm glad," Fate answered. She did NOT ask about Nanoha's sexual experience. She frankly didn't want to know. "Did your mom approve of me?" Fate asked curiously.
Nanoha laughed warmly. "She likes you, trust me," she told her girlfriend warmly, squeezing her hand reassuringly. "Momoko told me she thinks you're adorable, actually."
Fate blushed at that. "I don't know if I like that," she admitted. She paused, "Did Lindy bother you a lot with questions?"
"A bit," Nanoha chuckled, "but she seemed to know a bit about me already. She mentioned you had mentioned me in a few letters?"
"Well, I'm pretty boring and I had to write home about something," Fate said sheepishly.
Nanoha did her best not to laugh, knowing that Fate was anything but boring, at least to her. "Did you date much before we got together?" Nanoha asked wickedly, knowing that it would fluster Fate.
"No, I.. uhm, well..." Fate stammered, blushing.
Nanoha shushed her, laughing, then kissed her. "I don't think we'll stay too long tonight," she noted. A smirk, "We still haven't tried out my present to you."
Fate blushed brighter, if that was possible.
Up at the bar Hayate Yagami smiled as she charmed Teana, gently chiding the young woman. "I don't think Subaru has any problems with you working here, you know," she pointed out to her reasonably.
Teana made a face, "So why won't she got to bed with me?" the young woman in a crisp, almost military skirt and blouse asked.
"I hate to say this, but despite appearances Subaru isn't really all that butch," Hayate noted, "maybe she's expecting you to make a move?"
"You're kidding," Teana said, thinking of her cute, boyish girlfriend.
"Nope," Hayate shook her head, "there are plenty of tough girls that are tigers on the streets but kittens between the sheets."
Teana found herself imagining Subaru with cat ears, then shook her head. "You really think so?" she asked skeptically.
"I think if you asked anyone here who knows you two, they'd agree that she's madly in love with you," Hayate said.
"Huh," Teana murmured softly.
Thoughtfully Hayate mused, "And there's nothing like flipping a really butchy girl. Why, I remember one time I..."
"Agh, no!" Teana held up a hand, "I SO do not want to hear that."
From behind her Hayate heard a amused voice purr, "I wouldn't mind hearing that."
'Oh hell,' Hayate thought as she turned around slowly, seeing the green haired older woman standing just behind her. Lindy Harloun looked rather amused, the attractive woman dressed in a slinky dress that hugged her curves and pushed her breasts up into impressive cleavage.
"Busted," Teana muttered, fighting back a laugh.
Lindy advanced on the bar and smiled at Teana, "Rum and coke, please."
"Coming right up," Teana agreed, mixing the drink with a casual sort of grace.
Lindy kissed Hayate on the cheek, a gentle brushing of lips. "Sorry I couldn't make it out for Christmas," she apologized, "I had family over."
Hayate puffed out a sigh of relief that Lindy was letting her off the hook for the story. "It's fine," she smiled at her. "I heard it went well."
"Yeah," Lindy nodded, "though poor Nanoha is still pretty nervous around me." She smirked, "It's kind of cute, really."
"Well, you are kind of her mother-in-law," Hayate noted with a smile.
Lindy snorted softly. "There is a thought," she said, "though I suppose I should have been ready for it, with two kids."
"Well, you make a very lovely mother-in-law," Hayate winked.
A blushed colored Lindy's cheeks. She took a drink, then put it down as she said, "Hayate... I've been trying to think about how to say this."
"You're secretly a trans-sexual?" Hayate joked.
"No!" Lindy yelped.
"You're shipping out to the french foreign legion?" Hayate asked impishly.
"No," Lindy told her, "stop fooling around."
"Yeah, yeah," Hayate sighed. She swirled her own drink as she said with a sigh, "You're not interested in me."
"No, that's not true either," Lindy said quietly.
Hayate looked at her eagerly, "Oh?"
Lindy sipped her drink, "Hayate, you are charming, attractive and, frankly, very very sexy."
"But?" Hayate prompted her after Lindy hesitated.
"I'm a formerly married woman with kids," Lindy shrugged helplessly, "I am far, far too old for you. And I'm... I mean, this is the first time I've been attracted to a woman. What if I go back to being straight?"
"You could be bisexual," Hayate noted. She took a deep breath, "Lindy, I understand you're nervous, especially since this is all very new to you. If it helps any, it's new to me too."
"Oh?" Lindy looked at her curiously.
"You know my reputation, I think," Hayate said, keeping her voice even. It was hard admitting you were a bit of a slut, darn it. AS Lindy nodded she continued, "It might surprise you to know, but I don't think I've ever... felt what I do around you."
"You...," Lindy hesitated.
Hayate shrugged as she admitted, "I think I'm falling in love with you."
Not too far away at their table Nanoha and Fate saw Lindy lean forward, cup Hayate's face in her hands and kiss her lingeringly. "Awww," Nanoha murmured, then she noticed that Fate was frowning. "What's wrong?" she asked quietly.
"Just worried about Lindy, a bit," Fate admitted honestly.
Nanoha put a hand over her's and squeezed gently."I'm sure it'll be fine," she reassured her, "Hayate really cares for her, you know."
Fate brightened a bit, having watched the two together more than once. "That's true," she conceded thoughtfully.
"Plus," Nanoha added brightly, "Lindy may get some new uses for her handcuffs!"
That made Fate whimper softly. "I did NOT need that mental image, Nanoha," she groaned.
Nanoha smirked, "Sorry."
"Come on," Fate got up, offering Nanoha her hand, "let's go home. I'm sure Vivio is getting tired and wants to go to bed soon."
"Right," Nanoha got up, the two women walking off together. "You're really getting used to the co-mom thing," she added softly, "I think it's kind of sexy."
Fate blushed. "Well, I wanted to get you home early for another reason," she added, "so we can ring in the new year... together."
"Oooh, I like the sound of that," Nanoha agreed as they went to the area with the kids.
"Look, we made hats!" Vivio beamed as she showed off a truly godawful combination of gold and silver foil, glitter and stars.
"It's lovely," Nanoha smiled at her daughter warmly.
"Do you want to wear it?" Vivio offered it cheerilly.
There was a moment of hesitation then Fate offered, "Could I wear it?"
"Thanks," Nanoha murmured later as they walked home together.
Fate smiled wryly as she did her best to keep the awful hat on, "You owe me."
To be continued...
Notes: I didn't want Hayate and Lindy to just jump into bed, especially since she had been married with kids. So I'm having them move slowly, which I think is more realistic.