Title: Watcher's Den
Series: Avengers
Type: Continuation
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7937267/4/ Note: This is set after Siege and before Fear Itself.
Thor and Iron Man: Confession
They had survived another Avengers mission, and the team was decompressing a bit in Stark Tower. Captain America, Hawkeye and Spider-Man were playing cards, while Red Hulk looked on with amusement. Jarvis had juyst delivered a tankard of mead to Thor, and Tony figured now might be the best time to bring up something with him that had been bothering him.
"Ho, Tony, your expression is grim. What troubles you?" the taller blond haired man asked.
Tony REALLY didn't want to bring this up. He and Thor had only just started to make peace with each other, after everything that happened with the superhero civil war. Still, he wanted to be honest with him. "You know I lost my memory of what I did after I first got the Extremis upgrade, right?" he asked, sitting down at the table beside him.
"Indeed," Thor nodded, "though you have taken responsibility for those acts. Have you learned something new?"
"I think so," Tony admitted, fiddling with the bottle of mineral water he carried. "I think I threw that fight we had, short;y after you came back to earth."
THAT made Thor's eyebrows go up a bit in surprise. "How do?" he asked dangerously. "You faced me in your most modern armor at the time and we fought fairly."
Tony puffed out a sigh. "How many armors do I have, Thor?"
"Many," Thor conceded.
"I'm a tinkerer," Tony took a drink of water, "I LIKE building, and I like making armors for different reasons. I have Hulk-buster armors, undersea armors and more custom suits, so why wouldn't I have a Thor armor?"
"So instead of using a armor made to fight me, you faced me in a usual suit," Thor mused. He looked at Tony thoughtfully, "Do you know why?"
"Not for sure, but I can guess," Tony shrugged. He looked at Thor, "You had found out by that time about the civil war and the stupid things we did. You were pissed, and I was worried you'd lash out at others over it." He drank a bit of water, "So I let you pound me instead."
Thor drank down his mead, setting it down with a thump. "I am not pleased by this," he conceded, "we will simply have to do it again."
"Again?" Tony squeaked.
Thor clapped him on the back, "You will face me in your Thor-buster armor! We will fight in the fields near Asgard, and it shall be glorious!"
'Oh great...,' Tony thought, NOT looking forward to the beating he was about to get. "Yeah, glorious," he agreed glumly.
To be continued...
Notes: While I liked the Thor issue where he beats the crap out of Iron Man, it kinda struck me as... off, later on. As I noted in the fic, Tony is a tinkerer who has built special suits to deal with various different opponents. So why would he go take on Thor in a regular armor? Doesn't make sense unless he's very confident his new design can take Thor... or he's deliberately throwing the fight.