Title: Watcher's Den
Series: Marvel Comics
Type: Drabbles
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7937267/1/ Disclaimer: I own none of the characters from Avengers, Iron Man, X-Men or Fantastic Four I'm only borrowing them for awhile. This is a attempt to address why, in the Marvel Universe, superheroes have such great technology yet none of it leaks down to normal folks. Hopefully, in a funny way.
Marvel: The Technology Gap
Iron Man
Pepper Potts was used to her boss' moods. He was a genius. No question, but that lead to a certain degree of... eccentricity. Plus, there was the whole putting on a armored suit and fighting crime thing. That'd make anyone a little odd. So she wasn't THAT startled to see him staring morosely at a computer screen when he should have been celebrating.
"Hey, boss," the saucy redhead teased, "I thought you'd be out celebrating. Our introduction of medical cybernetics is a hit! Our stock is through the roof and the medical trials were all perfect."
Tony smiled wryly, "You'd think."
Pepper KNEW that tone. Something was up. "What's wrong?" she asked.
Tony nodded to the computer screen, "We've had the cybernetic hook up system for artificial legs and arms out... about a week, right?"
"Yeah," Pepper agreed as she looked at the screen, then burst out in giggles.
'Armature attacks!' the headline read. Apparently a crook had rigged the cybernetic control system to let him run multiple artificial arms sprouting off his costume. Sadly coordinating all the arms was beyond him and he managed to tangle himself up trying to rob a bank.
"Yeah, it's ridiculous," Tony agreed, "but this idiot cropped up less than a week after we sold the technology. How many more will, I wonder?"
"It's not your fault," Pepper said firmly.
"it's my technology," Tony shrugged. His phone chirped, and he answered it, "Yes?"
Pepper watched the oddest look cross Tony's face. Once he hung up she asked, "What now?"
"Another idiot using the cybernetics system," Tony shook his head disbelievingly, "calling himself Codpiece."
Pepper couldn't help laughing at THAT one.
Marvel: The Technology Gap
Fantastic Four
The car executives exchanged looks, even as the plans sat before them. The infamous 'flying bathtub' of the Fantastic Four, ready to be mass produced and sold around the world. Personalized, high speed flight, for the common man!
Of the four executives, SOMEONE had to say it to the smiling Reed Richards. Silently they compelled the youngest of them, why sighed weakly. "Uhm, Doctor Richards," he said as he nervously adjusted his tie, "we have to decline your offer."
That made the smile drop right off the face of Dr. Richards. Reed leaned forward earnestly as he said, "But I don't understand. It's fuel efficient, safe and inexpensive to build." He didn't mention it could fly, as a selling point. That was kind of obvious.
"I agree," a older exec nodded, "and on paper it's marvelous."
Reed looked pensive, "I suppose I can squeeze a bit more preformance from the engine, without compromising safety..."
"No, no, the preformance specifications are fine," a third exec said.
Reed shook his head, "Then I'm afraid I don't understand."
The auto execs fidgeted uncomfortably, then they all looked at the youngest exec. He sighed, running a hand through his black hair. "Doctor, I'm sorry but... it's ugly," he admitted.
"Huh?" Reed blinked.
"I'm sorry," another man said, "but it looks like a FLYING BATHTUB. We'd be laughed out of the car shows! Top Gear would mock us endlessly!"
"I rather thought it looked nice," Reed said meekly. "There is the alternate design the team used," he offered.
Another exec winced. "That.. well, it looks like something out of Power Rangers," he sighed.
The oldest one leaned forward, "We need something sleek! Sexy. And more looking like a traditional car. If you can do that, we'd happily build them for you."
Reed decided not to mention the flying cars Tony Stark was building for SHIELD. He doubted they'd want to hear about those too. "I'll see what I can do," he sighed. His attempt to sex it up next week by pasting on photos of his wife, Sue, was sadly ALSO a failure.