Title: Neon Senshi Evangelion
Series: Evangelion, Sailor Moon
Type: Crossover
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5908576/5/Neon_Senshi_Evangelion Four
Fifteen years after the destruction of Antarctica in what was called Second Impact and the country was still healing. Many of the cities in Japan were in ruins or under water, and the people scattered far from their old homes.
Shingo Tsukino's brown hair blew in the breeze as the man looked out over old Tokyo, much of it in ruins from the rising waters and terrorism. His suit was surprisingly crisp considering he had been walking over rubble for most of the day, scouting out locations for the proposed Jet Alone tests.
"It must be hard for you," Kodama Horaki said gently, the twenty-something woman keeping pace dressed in her woman's pantsuit. Her longer brown hair was braided back, and she carried a small micro-computer to record their observations.
"No more than anyone else who lost family in Tokyo," Shingo shrugged slightly as they moved between two buildings, sighting the ruins of the old Tokyo Airport. "Think this might do?" he asked her curiously, shading his eyes from the sun.
"It's enough room for Jet Alone to move," Kodama agreed, taking digital photos then storing them on the computer, "and testing it out here will protect people if things go wrong."
Shingo flashed a smile, "You're a firm believer in Murphy's Law?"
"Sorry," Kodama smiled slightly back.
"Well," Shingo conceded, "considering we're planning to test a nuclear powered battle robot, some caution is reasonable." He hopped down from a block of rubble they had used to get a better view, "Let's see how stable the pavement still is."
"Right," Kodama nodded, following gracefully.
The two workers scouted out the edges of the airport then worked inward, assessing how solid the old pavement was. After nearly a hour they decided that the place had held up remarkably well, then the two began to retrace their steps back to the all terrain vehicle they were using.
"Sorry to put you to all the trouble," Shingo said politely as he drove, the car bumping over rubble on the barely cleared road.
"It's no trouble," Kodama smiled at the older man.
Shingo shrugged a bit uncomfortably, "And thank you for agreeing to come along. Even after all these years it's strange returning to Tokyo."
"You lost people, too?" Kodama asked gently.
"My father and sister," Shingo admitted quietly. He shrugged slightly, "My father was caught in lowlands when the tidal wave hit."
After a moment Kodama asked, "And your sister?"
"Disappeared," Shingo sighed. He looked sad, "It's crazy, her and her four friends disappeared not long before the disaster hit."
"I'm sorry," Kodama said, reaching out to pat his arm.
Shingo shrugged slightly, "It's no worse than many other people's stories." He shook himself visibly and asked, "Enough with the depressing talk, do you want to grab some dinner one we get back to Tokyo-2?"
Kodama smiled back warmly, "Oh, yes." She sat back, looking out at the wrecked city, "Just so you know, I'm taking a few days off soon."
"I'll just have to manage without you," Shingo said as they passed between the wreckage to two towers, the sun being blocked by the rubble. As they emerged he looked around, then frowned as he saw something off into the distance. "What's that?" he asked, seeing something moving through the air.
"Huh?" Kodama squinted, then blinked. It looked like a diamond... floating in the air?
Shingo got his phone out and dialed, frowning. "Boss, you seeing what I'm seeing?" he asked, describing the floating diamond in the air. He paled as he heard the answer.
Kodama looked at him as she softly demanded, "What is it?"
"Angel," Shingo replied flatly.
In NERV headquarters things were chaotic, but it was a controlled chaos as men and women hurried to prepare. Misato used her headset to call army units and mobilize their forces, even as she watched the monitors and talked to her staff. Up on the raised observation platform Kozo, Yui and Gendo sat together, the three conferring even as NERV mobilized.
"Have we heard back from SEELE?" Yui asked, the brown haired older woman's brown hair showing a few gray threads.
"Yes," Gendo frowned as he said, "They confirmed that this should have been the fifth Angel, not the fourth."
Kozo raised his eyebrows slightly as the white haired old man noted, "The Angels are not following the Scrolls?"
Yui shrugged slightly, "Or reality has already diverged from the Scrolls." As both looked at her she added, "We still don't know what destroyed Antarctica, and we're reasonably sure it wasn't Adam."
"Point," Kozo conceded.
B-shift happened to be on during the attack, but they were handling the chaos pretty well. Satsuki Ooi was handling Maya's usual spot, the attractive brown haired woman confidently sorting data and putting it up on the screen. Her long brown hair shimmered as she reported, "Angel designated: Ramiel, is nearing the edge of our defense zone."
"What's it doing?" Misato asked tersely, the dark haired woman frowning slightly.
Kaede Agano looked rather pixie like with her short haircut, but the woman worked her controls with ease. "We're only picking up limited energy readings from the angel," she reported.
Misato looked up towards Gendo and the others, "Any idea's on how it's flying?"
"It could be using it's AT field to counter gravity somehow," Yui offered.
Ritsuko nodded as the scientist manned her station by the Magi, "And we have no way of knowing how heavy it is."
"Our scans aren't penetrating the surface," Aoi Mogami said, the dark haired woman pushing up her glasses as she monitored data, "I'm not sure if it's deliberate or just electromagnetic interference."
"Since Shinji took out the first one, Rei is volunteering to go first," Gendo noted, his lips twitching in a wry smile.
"What do you think, Misato?" Yui asked.
Misato grimaced, putting her hands in her jacket pockets, the garment worn over her NERV uniform. "I don't know," she admitted, "that first Angel surprised the hell out of us with it's ranged attacks. And we have no idea what this one can do."
"We've got those life-sized targets we made up for the Evangelions," Ritsuko offered after a moment's thought, "we could shoot them up to the Angel."
"Let's do it," Misato agreed.
Down in the launch cages Rei sat in her Evangelion, the black haired woman sitting back in the LCL filled entry plug. "Doesn't she trust me to handle this?" she demanded.
"She's just worried about us," Shinji told his sister calmly, the brown haired boy sitting in his own Evangelion.
"Maybe," Rei conceded, "but..."
The two watched as the target dummy was wrestled into the launch tube by mechanical waldoes, then the launch order was given. It shot up to the surface on magnetic forces, popping up to the surface not far from the Angel.
"Massive power reading!" Kaede yelped as the Angel's edges glowed.
Before anything more could be said a massive energy beam lanced out from the Angel, hitting the target almost instantly. The beam burned through the target in less than a second, then burned through the paved road, down through packed earth and finally stopped after melting through at least one layer of armor plate.
"Holy shit," Satsuki breathed out, stunned.
"What the hell was that?" Misato demanded as her team went to work trying to figure out what had just happened.
"That could have been me," Rei muttered, looking remarkably pale as she reviewed the data.
Shinji nodded, not looking too healthy himself. "I think our armor might hold up better, but...," he shook his head, trying to imagine how painful that would be if they got hit with that beam.
"Remind me to listen to Misato," Rei muttered, shaking her head.
The Angel settled above Tokyo-3 and deployed some kind of drill, attempting to dig down through the earth and armor to reach the Geofront. As it did so Misato used remote controlled targets to try to determine the capabilities and nature of the beam weapon it was using.
"It appears to be firing off a incredibly powerful particle beam,": Ritsuko revealed as they had a briefing several hours after the Angel arrived. "It has both concussive and thermal aspects, and targets anything that enters a certain radius."
"Would the Evangelion's armor survive a hit?" Shinji asked, he and his sister having left their Evangelions to rest a bit.
"For only a very short time," Kaede said, wishing her superior Maya was here. She handled this stuff so much better than she did. "The beam would break through armor within seconds then start cutting into the Evangelion itself."
"Remind me to improve the armor," Yui said flatly, listening with a grim look on her face.
"The defenses are pretty damn scary too," Misato said as she sat back tiredly at the table. "It pops us a AT field barrier almost as fast as we attack," she told them, "then it uses the beam to destroy whatever shoots at it."
"Any casualties?" Gendo asked seriously.
"Shot at it using automated gunnery positions," Misato said with a grim smile.
"So to hurt it we need to take down the AT Field," Rei said seriously, "but we can't get near it because of the beam weapon."
"That pretty much sums it up," Aoi nodded, her glasses gleaming.
"Can we overload the AT Field somehow?" Yui asked, frowning as she considered the situation.
"Not with a conventional weapon, but...," Ritsuko trailed off thoughtfully.
"You have a idea?" Misato asked after a moment.
Ritsuko smiled slightly as she nodded, "I have a idea."
To be continued...
Notes: I wanted someone to have survived from Usagi Tsukino's family, and in the end I decided on her mom and brother. He's basically a low level minion working for the Jet Alone project, and will meet Misato eventually.
Kodama Horaki is Hikari's older sister in canon, though I've aged her a bit more in this fic. I presume she helps support her family along with her father.