Title: Another Untitled one
Author: Me
Type: Chaptered
Genre: Romance, slight comedy, School Life
Few days had passed, Daiki was busy on his school works so as Shane. Since she’s graduating, she have to comply some of her requirements for her clearance. Daiki on the other hand, was busy and trying his best to answer all the questions in his test papers. It’s their finals already. The two never had a chance to see each other but Daiki was too pushy. He misses her wife-to-be already and he badly wants to see her right now. Shane on the other hand tried to talk to Daiki that she’s really busy with the requirements and if she’ll not able to pass that on time, she can’t graduate. If she’ll not graduate, no ceremony will be held. With that, Daiki finally gave up and patiently waited for her free time.
Yamada and Nishuichi on the other hand was busy also with their requirements. Even though Yamada was a transferee student, the school decided that he’ll be the valedictorian. Others thought that it was unfair. For them to be clarify, Yamada took their exam since 1st quarter till the last one. Yamada was given 3 days to review and recall their lessons since 1st quarter, their top one, Kamenashi was not worried at all since there’s no such a person who can pass those all subjects with just 3 days of review. Soon, he took the exam and finally announced the score. You’ll not believe it, Yamada was able to perfect the Social Studies, Physics, Chemistry, Trigonometry, and others. He passed his practical test on Physical Education and Home economics. English was his weakness, he got there only 92 over 100. His grade was pretty unbelievable. Teachers we’re shocked too. They never encountered such a smart guy. Not only smart but rich and good-looking.
Nishuichi was very lucky to be his fiancé, so does Shane, right? Nishuichi always cling on his arms every recess and lunch break. They would go home together. She acts like she’s his real girlfriend and all. Yamada find it irritating when she’s around. It was better when Shane was his fiancé. You know why? Shane never cling on his arms. Never irritates him. Though they always fight, he find it irresistible to tease her. He find it cute when she’s showing off her serious face. When Shane tell some stories that he never knew.. he’s so happy to know her more. But Nishuichi.. He feel like this girl is really into her. With just one word, she’ll obey him. She’s like an easy to get girl unlike Shane. She’s really the hard one. She’s totally the opposite of Nishuichi, she’s hard to get which Yamada knew when someday that Shane will love her back, all of those suffering will be worth it. Too bad he gave up already.. He thought that she’ll be happier if she’ll be with Daiki.
Friday came, Shane decided not to attend the school since she was able to pass her requirements earlier than the given date. She can take her rest now. But her parents convinced her to arrange some things regarding to her wedding. Shane didn’t want to but Daiki was there with his car. She sighed and changed her clothes with a black shorts and a plain white v-neck shirt. A black pumps with her hairs curled. A long necklace with a black cross pendant. Matching a black and silver bangles. Right, looks like she’s going to a club or something.
“ Wh-what’s with your outfit?” Daiki asked, shocked, pointing at her outfit.
“ What? What do you want me to wear? A formal dress?” She asked, rising an eyebrow.
“ No.. but not shorts. Not with those bangles.”
“ Why not?”
“ You should looked like an innocent girl.. not like a member of a rock band. Good thing you don’t wear boots.” He chuckled.
“ Oh really? Shut up!” She yelled before entering his sports car. Daiki smiled at her irritation as he followed her and drove off.