Feb 13, 2005 13:33
hey first of all i would like to congradulate my brother for getting a job at the soaring eagle casino he was running up against a lot of people and they chose him i seriously can never be any more proud of him. i know i dont show it but i honestly look up to him and shit. on the other hand my parents bought yet another franchise lol a cell phone company it is super huge and it opens in east lansing in eactly 3 months well the reason why i am telling u this is because my mom came and talked to me about moving there and just going to lansing community college but my dad on the other hand was totally out of the question for him just because of some shit that happened recently withme they dont think i will be doing what i am suppose to be doing there lol my mom told me work in the morning a couple of days and go to day and night school i am so up for that also they told me i can only move in with dirk because dirk will set me straight ( that means more then one reason) but i need to leave i need to explore life on my own to figure out who i really am who i want to become as a person. i think they will let me go and move if i have a girlfriend so any ladies out there call me up lol. plus dirk is living to travis tinsey next year so i cant move with him but i honestly want my own apt my own space some people are like dam that shit is boring like a mother fucker well to me sometimes i need my own space like to watch a sad movie talk on the phone clean my house make dinner for me. i want to know for myself that i can do it on my own. i mean i love my family with all my heart especially nalia aka my sister shevonne were best friends lol but i just need to go while i still can. anyways coming home was a fucking disaster except for who won i really wanted kristin fisher and cow diddy to win they are so nice they are really caring people on the other hand some people that i was sitting by were really getting on my nerves yet i was going along with it. then sat i hung out with some people and had such a bad time except for dinner with stephanie thank you so much for spaghetti lunch at unos those peeps that work there are awesome and seeing my friend chris he is such a deutsch bad lol he is H I L arious then on of my friends changed her whole life on me in one fucking day total disaster. but what can u do. i got blue contacts lol i turned white as my brother would say lol. next week i am going prom dress shopping with kouri and minnie it should be fun i miss my friends i do not want to drift apart. i know college does that to u but we need to try hard oh yea lol jake kitchen talked to me yesterday night he is fucking hilarious we were both driving home and he calls me and my god that kid talks more then a woman lol . anywho i am off ttyl shanie banie bo banie banana fana fo fanie lol