Title: Interludes
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: character spoiler for 3x15
Warnings: implied abuse, bullying
Word Count: Parts a & b ~ 2930
Summary: Blaine has spent most of his life feeling like the only thing people notice about him is that he stutters. He’s working hard to overcome his (mostly self created) roadblocks when he meets Kurt in an online class the summer after his freshman year of college.
@ 9:42 pm
Matt: so now what’s happening?
I’m bored
let me live vicariously through you
Blaine: I told him my parents are away, so he was asking if i talked them yet
well, first he asked if I was going to have a party
Matt: *did* you talk them yet?
Blaine: you would know if I talked to them
which is pretty much what i said to him
i figure I’ll take the coward’s way
and just like yell over my shoulder at them while getting on the plane for school
Matt: you don’t even know how to yell
I’ve barely heard you talk above a 5 on a scale of 10
Blaine: I talked to my parents at at least a 7 last month
and I got into a screaming match with my dad the other day
Matt: With your dad?
Blaine: Yeah
Matt: anything you’d like to vent about?
Blaine: It’s really really embarrassing
and really kind of awful
Matt: ok, you don’t have to talk about it
Blaine: no, I should
we went to get coffee
at a place where you have to give your name
and I didn’t notice
I wasn’t ready with a fake name
and i had like a panic attack
i couldn’t talk
and all the people around me thought I was having a seizure
Matt: oh man. terrible.
but you’re always ready! i’ve seen you be so smooth
telling baristas fake names with a smile on your face
Blaine: I know! I was getting really good at it back in NY
but here at home
i let my guard down or something
and poof
the worst happened
Matt: so your dad got mad at you for that?
that’s dickish, to say the very least
Blaine: well that’s where it started
but then he came out to the car
where i was hiding
and he said something stupid and mean
and I just freaked out
Matt: you freaked out?
Blaine: i did
I lost it on him
i called him a hateful son of a bitch
and then I yelled at him about how he treats me
and about how he treats my mom
Matt: whoa
Blaine: he was really nasty to me
but at least I said what I wanted to say for so long
about how he could help me and doesn’t
Matt: I’m really impressed Blaine
it’s actually a little unbelievable
you yelled?
Blaine: YES
i can yell!
I yell at the kids at work all the time
Matt: fine blaine
I mean, I’m proud of you if you really did yell
but you don’t have to lie to me
Blaine: I’m not lying
I’m going to call and yell at you right now
why must you tease me so!
Matt: sure, sure
whatever you say little buddy
Blaine: stfu
Matt: shutting up
Blaine: in other news
I did come out to Cooper
when I saw him
@ 9:49 pm
Blaine: you may speak
Matt: thank you
what did he say?
Blaine: that he already kind of knew
Matt: ah yes
I’m not surprised by his reaction
you give off a vibe
you’re not like super gay
but there’s something there
Blaine: thanks, i guess?
he was cool with it
so that’s good
if my parents disown me, i still have coop
Matt: you still have me too :)
you could come live in Pittsburgh
and share a room with my little sister
she has the cutest, tiniest trundle bed
it would be perfect for you
my parents wouldn’t even notice you
amongst their numerous other children
Blaine: I’m not tiny
Matt: you’re petite
Blaine: you’re an ass
Matt: no i’m not
you love me
Blaine: i love you, in spite of the fact you’re an ass
Matt: I accept that
so now what’s happening?
@ 10:05 pm
Blaine: so cooper said he’d come over
while I tell them
and at least I can always go live with him
if they disown me
disavow my existence
take me out of the will
throw me to the lions
Kurt: if they throw you to the lions, you’ll never make it to cooper’s
Blaine: truth
Kurt: when are you planning on doing this?
Blaine: they won’t be back until Monday.
so maybe Tuesday?
I’m scared
but i can’t keep putting it off
and i know as soon as I make sure cooper’s gonna be there
i’m gonna have to actually do it
like follow through with my plan
and not just write them a kindly worded letter once i get back to school
or have you write them a kindly worded letter when i get back to school
“Dear sir and/or madam- Your son Blaine is gay. Sincerely, Kurt Hummel”
Kurt: I have exquisite penmanship
Blaine: I don’t doubt it
Kurt: so what *is* going to happen when you get back to school?
can we meet?
i mean, unless you don’t want to
which would be a little weird, considering how much we talk
but, no pressure
Blaine: i want to
but kurt
can i get through this stuff with my parents first?
I almost don’t want to think about … good stuff
while i still need to get through this … bad stuff
Kurt: You really think it’s going to be that bad?
Blaine: let’s put it this way
things have been rocky with my dad this summer
and we had a crazy crazy fight before they left for their trip
about almost nothing
like literally, at the base of it, the fight was about a cup of coffee
an iced mocha to be exact
Kurt: seriously?
Blaine: that’s where it started, yeah
i need to wrap my head around what might happen here
and i really want to meet you
and i’m nervous as hell about it (in a good way)
but i’m even more nervous about coming out to my parents
and there’s only so much nervousness I have to go around
Kurt: I get it blaine
thanks for explaining it to me
Blaine: it’s the least I can do
Kurt: do you promise to tell me how it goes?
good, bad or lions?
Blaine: I promise.
@ 10:26 pm
Rachel: I can hear you sighing loudly
Kurt: for the love of God rachel
you could just come in here and talk to me
Rachel: I’m feeling lazy
Kurt: fine
I think we had a moment
Blaine and I
Rachel: ooh-la-la!
of cybersex?!?
Kurt: could you be more inappropriate?
we were just talking about meeting
well, i was
and he was semi-blowing me off again
but i think i get it
Rachel: You really like him huh?
Kurt: i do actually
I just can’t figure out … what he wants?
Rachel: maybe he just doesn’t know
Kurt: He’s always telling me he’s shy and nervous in real life
but it’s almost hard to believe
because he’s so... winsome online
i mean, he’s a total dork
but he’s funny and smart
and i’m so weirdly attracted to this guy I’ve never even met
Rachel: Maybe he’s fugly
(I had to go look up winsome. where the hell did you find that word?)
Kurt: It’s Blaine’s fault! My increasing vocabulary is his fault!
that’s just what he’s like!
and all those stupid fake curses
cheese on a cracker and shit like that
Rachel: well obviously he’s a terrible influence on you
walk away Kurt, don’t ever look back
Kurt: ya know, it’s weird
I don’t really think much about what he looks like
I mean, i’ve *wondered*
but not as much as you might assume
I guess because he’s so cute, personality wise
I can’t imagine him not at least being a cute person
even if he was sort of fugly
like his personality is so appealing to me
his physical attractiveness might not matter
Rachel: huh. That’s interesting
I’m impressed Kurt
Kurt: Because usually I’m a superficial bitch or something?
Rachel: no, I didn’t mean that at all
but you’re very earnest right now
not being sarcastic or flippant
this is why I love you
I mean, i love you when you’re a bitch too
that’s half the fun
but i love seeing this side of you too :)
Kurt: aw, you’re nice!
i love when you’re nice
and not being stupid, vain or obnoxiously competitive!
Rachel: yay for our good qualities!
Kurt: dance party later to celebrate being decent people!
Rachel: um, i’m dancing right now
you’re not dancing?
Kurt: smh
he really kind of laid out why he’s not ready to meet
and I think I sort of get it
but I always feel like he’s... withholding something
there’s just no way to figure out what
if he’s hiding something, he’s doing a really good job
Rachel: can I see?
what you guys have been talking about?
maybe i can help
Kurt: I guess
I mean it’s all pretty personal for him
and if anything ever comes of us, you can never EVER tell him I let you read our im’s
but I really do need to talk to someone about it
Rachel: please kurt, pretty pretty please!!!
Kurt: I’m not cutting and pasting
you may come in and read over my shoulder.
Rachel: fine.
but i’m bringing my dance party with me.
Rachel signed off @ 10:34 pm