Apr 11, 2007 11:34
I am just so sick of being lied to.. I honestly hate it so much.. I honestly just want to know the truth and have everything all figured out.. I don't want to throw anyone under the bus but sometimes I feel I have to, so I can figure shit out. I just want things to work out the way I want them to but I know they aren't.
But on a positive note.. I have been fucked up every day this week!
joshy822: whats up?
ShandyBlair: not much just getting ready and shit for work and stuff you?
joshy822: just got out of the shower
ShandyBlair: sweet
joshy822: im wearing nothing but a towell....does that make you randy baby? lol 8-)
ShandyBlair: hahahaa for sure
joshy822: o by the way
joshy822: wanna know what the italian saying was?
ShandyBlair: yeah
ShandyBlair: I do
joshy822: the broken heart heals, dead wives dont
ShandyBlair: hahah
joshy822: lol my grandpa told me that
joshy822: isnt it sweet
ShandyBlair: hahah
joshy822: here
joshy822: i will include you
ShandyBlair: in what
joshy822: Lo Shandy è il la maggior parte di sorprendentemente bello biondo mai ho saputo.
ShandyBlair: what all does that say
joshy822: its a lie but i included you
joshy822: lol
ShandyBlair: what did it say
joshy822: it roughly says "Shandy is the most amazingly beautiful blonde i have ever known."
ShandyBlair: hahaha