Good things :-)

May 26, 2011 11:39

1. I got a job! Three weeks directing a one-man Theatre In Education show about coping with bullying. It will tour both in the uk and internationally. It is paid, it is intensive and both terrifying and exciting. There is no end to the YAY :-)

2. I have met someone. Early days, but we met for a drink last night and only parted when we got kicked out of the bar as it was closing. He's a bit of a lad, with a strong and enthusiastic personality. Oh and he's quite least, I think so....

3. Work at BOVTS continues apace and I love doing what I was trained to do :-)

4. I'm on a train to Kingston to see Hamlet, which I get to do for free as I'm now a "professional" and have been invited by one of the actors, then tonight it's a girly night seeing Frisky and Mannish at the southbank centre, then tomorrow seeing an acting showcase and heading home to possibly see the final play in the BOVTS Alma season.

5. Saturday I'm doing a 24hour play challenge. Again.

So yeah. Yay :-)

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