Regadring pirating music:
"They shouldn't be able to do it illegally," said Mickey Johnson, 41, from Charleston, Tenn. "That's art. Somebody is putting their art out there. They should be compensated for it. It's just like Picasso or something."
Like, Picasso is dead. The only people that make money off him now is people who have the art and license the images to people who want it, or something. See Getty Images' entire business model. And I won't even bring up the questionable circumstances (ie, war pillaging) that lead to such classic art being distributed to the masses..
Oh, there's that whole physical/data thing, but I'm really tired of trying to explain that to people.
I'm all for legally downloading music. I spend a lot of money per month doing just that. But it's the lame-ass arguments and the nonsensical technical controls that bother me. If you're going to argue it, at least argue well, rather than making up half-assed statistics and trying to draw parallels where their aren't any.