What is this thing called LJ?

Jan 25, 2009 07:42

Er, it's been a long time. I've been reading but not posting. I've just lost all steam. I think I can, I think I .. nevermind.

Anyway, driving back from getting coffee I saw the sun peeking up over the hills, fog drifting between and a golden glow on the clouds. It's a crisp California morning and I've started it off with a rapid heart and a headache.

This is how I've been for the past few months. Headaches, body aches, leg pains, fatigue, sleeplessness, and a general feeling of 'what the fuck?' I've been feeling defeated. Despite changing medications, my liver enzymes are extremely high and my cholesterol has been rising. So, I've gone from Vytorin to Simistatin back to Vytorin to Crestor. It's day 3 of Crestor and I'm hoping that the nausea and rapid heart thing go away and I'm really hoping that the joint and muscle pains are less with this medication than the prior.

I miss everything and I miss everyone. I'm totally keeping positive though. I'm hoping that helps.

I've put off my oncologist appointment for this long. What's another 6-12 weeks?
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