
May 11, 2007 14:28

Hrm, it's been so long since i've posted in here that i cant remember what i've done.

Well, ive been searching for new jobs a lot, and will hopefully find something soon. Just applied for some admin/office type ones over the internet, and will try Legal and General soon, as Owain says the money is really good. Not sure how Siham will react to me working with her boyfriend though (haha).

Work is still a bit shit. Long hours and no thanks for anything. Went to the staff showing of Spiderman 3 and was very dissapointed. Ryan turned up though so i sat with him which was nice. I didnt realise how much i missed him actually. With all the crap with Ben i actually kinda forgot about him, which is a shame coz obviously quite a lot has happened between us. I'm not sure whether i like him that way though, which is also a shame coz he really is quite attractive, but i am really fond of him. I just text him in fact to see if he wanted to go and watch 28 Weeks Later.

Worked the opening weekend of Spiderman 3, which was pure hell, but also kinda fun. The cinema was actually busy again like it was when i first started and i think a lot of newer staff got the shock of their lives, coz they just werent used to it being that busy.

Pirates is coming out next week, which i cant bloody wait for, and then after that stuff like Fantastic 4, Transformers and The Simpsons.

Been doing a lot of writing at the moment as well. Updated End of the Line a bit, as well as another randle drabble that i kinda liked. Really i should be doing some original fiction writing and attempting to get some kind of portfolio together, but what the hell, that'll happen eventually.

Maddy, Emma and Elliot have gone to watch the Rugby today and i'm kinda sad that i'm not going with them. To be fair, i got the impression that they didnt want me there, as John's going with them and Maddy doesnt like the fact that he pays attension to me.

Ok, i didnt wanna bitch, but i'm gonna have to. None of my real life friends know about this, so i can bloody say what i want. That's why i got it in the first place.

So...New manager right. Called John. He's tall, thin, Scottish :) Not the most attractive guy in the world. I mean, he's not as attractive as Ryan say (my Ryan, or Ryan Stiles, hehe). But he's nice, and friendly and stuff. Before he even started work though, before Maddy had even met him, she convience herself that she would fancy him. But then when she actually met him she decided she didnt fancy him after all, but this other manager from Newport called Matt who was training with us for a while.

So anyway i go on holiday during this time and dont really meet Matt (who is now permenantly in Newport) so when i get back and meet John, i find i instantly kinda like him. Which was kinda funny as i didnt want to, and i told Maddy about it and we laughed. She said that it was wrong as it was her who was 'meant' to like him. Hrm.

Well, i then kinda decide that i dont wanna get into the whole crush thing again, so try my best to not fancy John, and for a while it works. Meanwhile however, Maddy starts to like him, and tells Emma and Elliot, and it becomes a whole big thing all about her.

So, every day we talk about him, how much she likes him, how much he talks to her etc. She goes on about how she thinks she has a chance with him and i dont wanna burst her bubble, but i really dont think she does. She's only 19 for a start, still a teenager, and he's 26. He's more mature than her, in every way, while she's still very much a child. They joke around at work, but once again he wont and cant take her seriously, because she's not professional and mature enough.

On another note however, whenever we're all together and talking, John will only ever look at me. I've noticed and so has Maddy, and she got very angry and claimed she hated him and he was a twat and everything. But i just love being around him, and we get on so well. But i know i cant say anything or do anything, coz once again, it's all about her. It's always about her.


Ok, what else has happened? Had an allergic reaction to nuts the other day, which sucked. I was at work too which was annoying. Thought i was gonna pass out so i went and sat in the staff room, and then of course Ben came in and then wouldnt leave and sat with me for an hour while i refused to let everyone call an ambulance. He basically appologised for being an asshole and said he cared about me a lot, but just didnt want a relationship, which i kinda understand. He was very sweet though, if a little over protective. Ah well :) Oh, and he's quit the cinema to go travelling, so i wont be seeing much of him anymore. Sigh.

Maddy bought a new hampster, which is a freak and possibly called Tony, or Billy Brown. It's big and fluffy and very strange. At first it didnt do anything but sit and stare at us, and then one night it moved all of its food from its food bowl into the top of its tube. Every last peice. Now it rarely leaves its tube. Freak.

Watched Saw 3 the other day with Elliot and nearly puked. Was probably coz i'd had about 5 large glasses of wine in the pub before, but also coz it's a disgusting film. Oh well.

Got an invite to Gemma and Neil's wedding the other day. Wow, i'm getting old. Need to reply to that.

Dannii also asked me if i wanted to go watch the Grand Prix, which i really bloody want to. Will all depend on money though. a new obsession with Greg. Very odd indeed, but i just cant help it. He's lovely.

Wow, this is the longest post ever. Should really go and get ready for work now, so i'm not late. sucks.

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