
May 29, 2007 18:01

Thought i should update my life again.

Although to be fair, nothing much has happened recently. Been working a lot, and had a hellish day at work where everything broke (my till, the unlimited camera, the handle on the unlimited door, 2 coffee machines, all the drinks towers on level 3 etc) and i got annoyed with Michelle for going on her break before me so i ended up missing the break that i had been waiting for 4 hours for.

And then she was late so i missed my break and got shouted at. And then i called for a bronze check but when Craig got there i was serving, so Michelle had one, stole my pod, and then Craig left, so i didnt get a bloody drop and was therefore late to finish my shift. Bloody bitch. Grrrrr.

Ok, i'm aware that all of this sounds really petty, but that place is so bloody annoying anyway, and i'd already had every single stupid person in the world at my till that morning, i feel justified in my anger. But...meh :)

So, what else?

Maddy did my shift for me on Monday, which was nice coz i dont think i could have done another open without collapsing. She had an OK time, so yay :)

Ooh, saw Ricky Gervais live the other day at the CIA. Was amazing :) Then went to see Pirates 3 (digital!) which would have been good if not for the wankers sat next to me what talked and ate very loudly all the way through. I did tell them off but it just made them even worse. I wish i'd chucked them out, but i wasnt in uniform. Grrrr. But, the film was really good. I'll probably see it again.

Last night went out with Maddy and Emma to the Flora, which for some reason was full of drunken scally's. But we got very drunk also, which was nice.

After the flora we stumbled down the road to get chips and then walked back home, where we sat in Maddy's room and listened to Mike and chatted and re-bonded and cried (yes, we cried) and tried to play quitar. Then Elliot came over and Emma fell over and then they left and me and Maddy went to bed.

I also told them that i liked Dave T (yeah, going with him instead of John as ive come to the conclusion that John would make crap bf material)
According to Maddy, Dave always asks her about me, how i am and what i'm upto. So i've got some hope. Plus Emma and Maddy went all girly and giggly when i told them and said we'd be really good together, which is great coz i think so too. He really is a sweetie. *sigh*

So, yeah :)

Today me and Maddy had lunch at Mao's and now Maddy is in work and i should be applying for jobs and tidying my room/doing washing. But...i think i'm gonna update all my fics. Starting with End of the Line coz that one is kinda hanging over me at the moment.

Right. Thats it.

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