Jan 07, 2005 21:43
Its been quite awhile since I have even read this thing. I will start keeping up with it more, I swear. Nothing has changed since summer besides getting older and meeting new people. Still no relationships and I could care less. I realized that a relationship does not make you happy and that there are other people and things that do. I have gotten in to alot of local music and have gone to many shows with my close friends. There are some coming up that I cant seem to stay still waiting for.
Back to the new friends, a few of them are old ones that decided that we should be friends again or totally new people that I have met at shows. I met a gal named Megan and now we are gangstas that cant be stopped, then there is Levi who is totally awesome. Well thats just to name 2.
Volleyball ended well along with basketball. Now that its winter I am thinking of being in student congress or just being in smac and working on school work.
Thats all I have to say for now.