Danielle and Raymond

Mar 30, 2005 13:50

WELL ... this entry is going to be a bit long ... and it's going to set a few things straight for those of you who don't know me, or only think you know anything about my life ... ENJOY!!!!!!!

BEN --> For the record, I DID NOT CHEAT ON BEN BRUHM. We went out for like a month and a half in the summer, and I was happy with him. I never cheated on him, not once.

KESTO --> Here's the whole Kesto story. We went out for almost a year when I was in grade 10 and 11. We broke up last March after he cheated on me with Claudia. We got back together in April for like half of the month but then I cheated on him with Josh because I WAS GOING TO BREAK UP WITH HIM ANYWAYS because things weren't going very well and it seemed like we just weren't meant to be. We didn't even talk at all until October ... other than once in the summer when I was drunk and called him from a party. We started talking again in October and then we talked sometimes on the phone after that. We met up once in October and once in December, and during those times I cheated on Raymond with him. In January Kesto e-mailed me and said he wanted to talk to me, so I called him and we ended up going to a movie and then I cheated on Raymond again. BUT that time I was already going to break up with Raymond anyways, because he was turning into more of a druggie than he already was. That same weekend I ended up breaking up with Raymond, NOT only because me and Kesto wanted to start seeing each other again, but because of his drugs and stuff. The week after that me and Kesto hung out a lot and then on February 10th we got back together. And that's pretty much it!

DANIELLE & KESTO --> I don't really know a whole lot about them and their relationship, but I'm going to tell what I've heard from Kesto. They went out for the month or August and then he broke up with her. I don't know what he told her for a reason, but he told me that she just got boring really fast. Ever since their breakup in AUGUST, she's been calling him and e-mailing him and trying to get ahold of him through his friends. He doesn't want anything to do with her, he hasn't wanted to have anything to do with her since they broke up. BUT even though it's been like seven months since their breakup, she continues to try and make contact with him. She clearly cannot take a hint. AND after their breakup she started commenting in this journal, nasty things to me, which I thought Ben had been writing since he and I had broken up around the same time the two of them broke up. BUT it was her, because she thought that I was the reason that her and Kesto broke up. BUT it couldn't have been me if I wasn't even talking to him then now could it? So, for the past SEVEN months she's been commenting in here, saying shit that is just so stupid and immature it's pathetic.

RAYMOND --> I don't even know where to start with him. We went out for like three months or so, and during that time I cheated on him with Kesto. I'm not sure how many times, but I think it was three. The whole time I was with him, he was pretty much a druggie. I put up with it because he wasn't that bad yet. But in January it was getting really bad because his mom got fired and then he had to move in with his friend Shirley when his mom and sister moved back to the city. That Shirley girl is fucked. I never liked her  from the moment I met her. And with Raymond living with her, he was constantly fucked all the time as well. I couldn't take it anymore. I knew I was going to break up with him, so when Kesto wanted to talk to me and go to the movies, I went. I didn't care anymore, because I was going to break up with Raymond anyways. So that weekend, me and Raymond did break up, and then me and Kesto got back together and blah blah blah, you know that story already. Raymond moved back to the city and was supposed to be staying with his mom but I don't know what the hell was going on because he supposedly got kicked out of there and all this shit ... I really don't know. BUT I know that he was still calling me all the time and thinking that there was a chance we could still be together. Ummm nooooo. Then the other day he e-mailed me and said that we were though. Wha? We were though like two months ago when I broke up with him! Genius. I was nice enough to keep talking to him and being nice to him all that time and then out of knowhere he starts calling me a bitch? RIIIIIIGHT. That made no sense. And now he's constantly commenting in here along with Danielle, even though he says he wants nothing more to do with me. If that were true, he wouldn't be commenting now would he? DUH.


-Danielle- Honestly, I think YOU have an obsession with anal sex because almost every comment you make in here, you mention the word BUM or ASS or something along those lines. And as for the "abusive ass raper." If that's what you think he is, then why would you want him back in your life? Genius. Also, writing poems and lyrics to songs to try and make yourself look good and me look bad ... it really doesn't work. And by the way, the poem was pretty stupid. Also, contrary to what you say Danielle, Michelle IS a really good friend, and she's not stupid like you seem to think. I'm pretty sure you're the stupid one because you clearly cannot type. You try to insult me, but you're only insulting yourself because you look so stupid!! Michelle has been commenting back to you shit from the beginning, so I think you should maybe learn to read, if you could read you would have seen her comments now wouldn't you? Another thing! Creating a livejournal account entitled "shannonisabitch" is just a little too much. I'm beginning to think that it's ME you have an obsession with and not Kesto! Because, like we just leaned above, I had nothing to do with your breakup. "The way you talk turns me on." THAT is quite and interesting little comment there ... are you admitting that you are in fact a lesbian? Go figure, that's what I thought from the start you creepy obsessive dyke.

-Raymond- You say that it's none of Michelle's business? And how may I ask, is it yours? I don't see how any of the things you commented on had anything to do with you. I guess that lack of education is showing again! What a pity.

Here's something Michelle wrote in there, I greatly enjoyed it, and it's very true!!!!!

1. it really seems like you want shannon back, or it did for a while. hahaha didn't she break up with you? that means that SHE doesn't want anything to do with YOU. yet you keep commenting on here. if you want nothing to do with her than leave her alone or everyone is going to think you want something to do with her. it's obvious to me that you still want her and that you're just jealous of kesto. that's what i get out of this anyway.

2. in the email she sent you she is saying 'do you actually think that they're going to believe anything that comes out of your druggy mouth' meaning 'no one is going to believe anything you say so stop trying to tell people stuff that is not true' and it sure as hell doesn't prove that she is a liar (which she isn't by the way) it simple proves that you're taking this way further than one should. it's pointless to continue this none sense raymond, just give it up. whatever it is you're trying to win, or get from this is not going to work.

3. you may not realize this has something to do with me because you don't have good friends, family, or really anyone that cares about you, but shannon does, and when you start to get on her back and start insaulting her, her friends are OBVIOUSLY going to get involved. it's just what friends do for each other. i'm sorry that you don't understand what friendship is. i really do, i'm serious. it's sad.

All of that made perfect sense ... now lets see if those two idiots will begin to understand just how pathetic they are being. I'm going to stop writing for now and let some people read this. When I get home from work tonight I'll write some more, just because I know they will have written something else. This truly is hilarious and gives me something to do with my free time!!

BYE!! ~
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