Friday Five

Jul 02, 2010 14:06

1. So I saw Eclipse this week, along with the rest of the world. I forgot that the normal target audience--i.e. not 29-year-old fan!girls like me--is out of school and could see it during day time hours, which meant I arrived at the theater WAY too early expecting a long line that didn't exist. So I had a good hour to kill before anyone else showed up to camp out with me, but hey, I scored prime seats. Anyway, I loved it. This one is definitely the best of the three and though I am Team Edward in the books, I have to say, I was rooting for Jacob last night in the movie. Too bad he ends up falling in love with the object of his current obsession's newborn baby. Every time he looked at her, I just kept thinking about that and snickering. Okay, maybe I am the actual target audience since I seem to be more teen than adult sometimes. I might like MovieEdward better if he wore less lipstick. Really though, what I miss the most about BookEdward is that he's fun even though he's also serious. He jokes around with Bella. He lunges at her like a mountain lion and growls. He digests pizza even though he has to throw it up again later. I think MovieEdward needs more lighthearted non-brooding-and-stiff-as-a-real-statue moments. I am a total wimp when it comes to violence though (seriously, I close my eyes at Grey's Anatomy and sometimes even Survivor) and so I was glad all the decapitations appeared like crumbling stone and not gory messes.

(I shall refrain from commenting on the CG since that is my day job and I found many faults. Not sure if the average person would see them though. I can't help it, my eye is trained to notice!)

2. It's sort of weird when you finish a WIP and then you're kind of stuck in a weird limbo before you can work on your next WIP. I am working on it, but I'm in the researching/outlining phase and so I find myself itching to write but I can't yet. I prefer to figure out all plot elements via outline before I start writing, especially with retellings, and so even though a few of the scenes are ready and DEMANDING to be written, I want to make sure the plot arc has, you know, an actual arc and not just random scenes. It's weird because the last few weeks I have been so eager to wake up and just revise and now I wake up and run to the computer and...I have nothing to do. Except brainstorm until I figure the book out. But that being said, I am SO EXCITED to work on this and it's already coming together well.

3. So what is everyone doing for the holiday weekend? I have a birthday party to go to tomorrow in my hometown and Sunday we are going to do what NO ONE else will think of. The beach. It will be empty, I'm sure! Maybe just maybe I'll run into The Situation and all the other Jersey Shore castmates. Then I'm going to drive back to my apartment because the NYC Fireworks are on the Hudson River this year and I live along the Hudson River so I just need to walk to the waterfront for the best view. However, I am kind of afraid of fireworks and irrationally dislike them so this may not be the best plan. Usually I am hiding in the basement while everyone else goes to watch fireworks. I leave the normal fears like heights to everyone else and prefer my quirky, nonsensical fears like that of fireworks and fish. (Today my fears are brought to you by the letter F.)

4. Speaking of other ways I am not normal...Normal people can get dressed without incident. I, apparently, do not have this gift. Today while putting on my shirt I threw out my back. I write this while lying horizontal on my bed, and ice pack propped under my left shoulder blade, and curse words swimming in my head at the pain. Yes, I am part Bella Swan. Luckily the party I have tomorrow is a pool party so I can relocate my confinement to a lounge chair and tan while everyone else gets agile in the pool.

5. Speaking of THE SITUATION. I've posted before how he and I went to high school together and he was in my home room. Well, I guess his success must have intrigued casting directors across reality TV networks because now there are THREE more of my high school classmates starring on two different reality shows. The first is JERSEY COUTURE. It's shot in Freehold, NJ and it's actually the place where my mom bought her Mother-of-the-bride dress. She's actually in the background of episode 2 (which thankfully aired AFTER my wedding, haha).

The two salesgirls went to my high school. The one on the left, Kim, was a grade above me and the one on the right, Chrissy, was the grade below me. I don't actually remember them at all my Chrissy was in all my sister's classes and she remembers her. Kind of weird.

The third ex-Manalapan-High-er in the spotlight is Pamela from YOU'RE CUT OFF! on VH1. It's about spoiled rich girls who are cut off by their parents. Not surprised they went to Manalapan to find the cast because there's probably a ton of girls who would fit the premise just fine. I remember Pam, she was a year younger than me and she dated one of the guys I liked.

Not only that, someone from my grade was on TOUGH ENOUGH a few years back and then went on to be...the emcee at my cousin's bat mitzvah last year. Well, at least he used up his 15 minutes well.

Can't wait to see who becomes a star next from the pool of my former classmates!

friday five, twilight, television, outlining, writing progress

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