My exams T____T

Mar 09, 2010 16:52

I just finish my last exam of the summer semester today. The business law was good :) but the other two were terrible. It's all because I did not study properly yes!!! But then again, the marketing subject was way too boring and the textbook was just a pain to read D:...

The last one was my nightmare, the textbook was not so hard to understand but to memorize it all 80 pages was another story... That why my answer was so messy, don't know if I could get half of the marks. But the real pain was 2 case study. He expects me to remember all the example cases during 12 lecture weeks???? And to require me to answer at least 8 pages in 2 hours!!! What the hell!!!

Yeah! It's not a big problem to someone can memorize all but does he seriously think that all of us international students can do it? I feel a lot better now, after write all of my stress ^^
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