what a weekend.
I feel as though it is still in progress because today is Memorial Day in the States, hence I should be enjoying the holiday. I phoned my mom and she said, "honey, are you off today?" and I'm like, "no, I'm working, boo," however, we had last Monday off for Queen Victoria's birthday or something. so no complaints.
had a fan-fucking-tastic weekend with Erik here. good times. today everyone is like "obviously, you were inside way too long watching OC reruns," because I am frankly sooooo tan heck yes! :P yay tan. okay I am tipsy from trying to continue my weekend as long as it can possibly go. off to bedtime! read
erik to read more about my sweetass weekend. he was here for it. he is mad knowledgeable. and MAD sunburned. I, however, am PURELY TAN bitches :P