Oct 10, 2005 16:52
soo saturday my mom, my sister, darcy, her mom, and her sister, and i all left for a dance competition in connecticut aroundd.. ohh 330ish? idunno.. right after class though
the drive was 6 && 1/2 hours but it was so funn.. we watched Big Fish, Bad News Bears, and Uptown Girls..
me and Darcy went crazyy listening to her music.. i swear i have never been more ghetto in my life. haha we made up some preettyy interesting moves.. lets just say you can get a lliittle bored after driving that longg.. haha
*song of the carride was DEFFINETELY :: MY HUMPSS! hahaha - stirrinn the cauldron! so dont PULL on my HAND boii lmao
wow.. some fun times right thurr ^^
anyways.. we got to the hotel around 10ish-1030.. we chilled there then went to sleep.. me and darcy got our own air matresses but mine had holes in it that we DIDNT find before, so it deflated and i had to share one with darcy finally at like 4am
Apparently in the middle of the night, i sat up and went YoyoyoyoyooyoYO...??!
i have no recollection of this whatsoever.
in the morning we got everything together, checked out of the hotel, and found a "donut shoppe" - aka the crappiest donut place ever. haha getting out of the car, mrs regan closed her door on my fingers.. (darcy thought this was funny):
my left hand was stuck, so pretty nonchalantly, with my other hand, i opened the door, took my hand out, and just said ow.
i dunno why it was funny? it hurttttt though.. haha
the compeption itself was okay.. i didnt do that great and i was kind of dissappointed, but i had fun practicing with the sully twins and darcy and fiona
the drive back was pretty fun too.. we left at 645ish.. we watched freaky friday, then darcy and i danced to more ghetto songs from her mp3 player.. hahaha "sell your dope" is so funnnnyyyyy lmaaaooo
we got to the regans house at 3am, and i just stayed over there b.c me and darcy had practice in the morning.
after practice, i finaallyyy came home, andd now im here.. doinn some research on catherine de heuek doherty.. mmmhmmm
not like a ton of ppl read these things anymore anyways. but comment if you do ♥