long randomness Created by
moroseprincess and taken 18 times on
bzoink!Do you own a dog?yeaHow about a monkey?noWhat do you think about fragglehoppers?their greatDo you even know what fragglehoppers are?of course who doesntI hope you feel you're smart if you do because i certainly don'tokWhat's ya name?shanaHave you ever looked into the sun?yeaDo you think it hurts when you pour wax on yourself?hell yea i still have a scar from that one timeFavourite songhmm i have alotDo you like Michael Shanks?who?Do you know who Michael Shanks is?nahGold star for you if you do.most excelletnWould you shake my hand?nahFavourite ColourblueDo you like sporks?hmmFirst word that comes to mind when you see these words:Sporkspoon n fork thingMonkeyhairy brown thingFragglehoppergrasshopperbluetie my ahoe kangarooCandlewaxHappyicingGlassjarCameraphoneGothmothNosei got your nose!!lovemismatch sock day???????bookbe careful ive got a hookblackhahaha hmmceremonysho fo iunnomilkshakemy milkshake brings all the boys to da yardchocolate syruphaha yummmmmmcoffeebrownWilly WonkanerdsToastthat movie about a little toasterThis or That:tea or coffeeteablack or whitehmmmmpen or pencilpensnake or rabbitrabbitnight or daydaycandle or lamplamphappy or sadhappymale or femalemalecd or tapecdpaper or parchmentpaper?alone or with friendsfrendsmovie or talkingdepends on who im talking tojelly beans or mm'smnms i hate jelly beanshugs or kisseshmmm bothsmile or laughlaughlove or lustlovesilver or goldi like to sing in the showerHaha oright back to normal retarded questionsHave you ever won at a game of bowling?no dammit i suckDo you have a livejournal?yesaDo you own a beanie baby?yea Are you in love?yeaaaaaaa niggaaaWhat colour eyes do you have?green i beliveHow many times have you seen Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory?hmm maybe 4Do you regulary read the paper?nahOr just the comics?nahWhat's your ringtone on your mobile if you have one?if i had one it wood be rubberband man hahaHave you ever seen a psychiatrist?yea 3 to be exactWhat's your favourite word?ice ice baby do do do do do do do do do doHave you had fun?yea playaaaaaa
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