Sep 29, 2006 14:32
Background info:
On Wednesday night at about 10:15ish, I was heading home to say hi to my Mom and my kitties before heading back over 17 to my apartment. On the street between Reed Ave and El Camino, called I believe Ponicinea, two stupid kids decided that they didn't need to wait for the light and ran across the empty street. Empty that is until I reached the intersection. With a green light I was cruising through the intersection at about 50 mph, when I saw the two kids running through the light. I missed the first one, but hit the second one. The kid is okay, bumps and bruises the ambulance driver told me, but the windshield is smashed on the driver side and needs to be replaced.
Enter the anger:
I called State Farm on Thursday to report the accident and have the window replace. They gave me a claim number which I can get a rental car. I, being in shock from the accident, left my keys to work in the car. Cue, Mom and me trying to find the place so that I can get my keys. Since rental car places close at 6pm (why?!!) I was unable to rent a car that day. Flash-forward to me walking to the bus stop in the morning so that I can get to work. I then reserve a rental car, but have to have Mom there as I don't have a major credit car (think oil and fire, that's why no cards for Kim) so it has to be late. I then call TAPS (parking people for school) who tell me that I have to bring the parking sticker which is still on my car to them so that they can issue me a temporary sticker and a new sticker for when my car is fixed. Can Kim be at two places at once? No. Enter Kris, the savior.
I then call the claim rep who tells me that I have to be the one to release the car to the mechanic, located in front of the tow yard, so that I can have my car estimate done. The tow yard people tell me that why they can do it, what is the point as I will still have to pay storage fees. I get frustrated at the claim rep and the tow yard as they are not talking to each other, but through me who has no clue to what I am doing.
I want my car fixed and I want to go back to my apartment. I want it done now. I don't want to have to deal with this and am seriously considering suing the brat who started all this mess, but seeing as he is only 18 and has no money it is not worth it for me. However, if this whole mess cost me more than my insurance will pay I will go after him and screw him royally. I am so pissed off that this happened as I have so far missed three classes and had to spend money that I didn't have to spend on food and bus fare.
If only he had not crossed the street or was wearing lighter clothes, or if I had talked to Judy for longer, this accident wouldn't have happened. Grump!!!!