After much consideration, this journal is now officially friends-only. Some things typed in here are just too personal for strangers to be able to see.
If you want to be a friend, please reply to this post.
If you are logged in and you do not see anything past this entry, you are not on my friends' list.
UPDATE: September 2, 2004
Strangers make me very uneasy. Please, if you have added me to your contact list recently and/or wish to be added to mine, please state how you found my journal. If it was from a community, state which one. If it was from someone else's journal, state whose. If it was from an interest search, state what interest it was.
By the way, my "friends' only" image was not created by me. Credit for it goes to
thegreycoin from
utena_icons UPDATE: May 30, 2008
As you may figure out if you like math stuff, this journal is 7 years old. When I started this journal, I was a teenager. I am now in my 20s. When I was a teenager, I was known to be angsty and rather annoying.
A lot of material in this journal from the past is deleted.
In 2003-2004 (and some points in 2005), I went through a very rough time. I annoyed a lot of people with what I said and did. The vast majority of what I posted about then is not here anymore. Odd things may be found elsewhere in numerous Livejournal communities, and I always advise you to look at when these things were posted if you happen to find them. I do keep bits and pieces of things I said from back then just for the sake of memories.
I consider myself a different person than I was when this journal was first started.