I need to start posting here again!
:+: Your Preferences :+:
1. Hotdogs or Hamburgers? hot dogs
2. Coke or Pepsi? Coke
3. Preps or Goths? neither... no images required
4. Fat girls or Skinny girls? uh... where's the "average" option? o.o
5. Love or Lust? love <3
6. Drugs or Alcohol? both are baaaaad
7. Parents or Kids? parents, I guess.
8. Maui or Jamaica? I don't know enough about either.
9. China or Japan? Japan ^^
10. Red or Green? I like both.... and a Merry Christmas to you too >_>
11. Food or drink? drink
12. Country Music or Oldies Music? both are fine... unless we're speaking of old country, which has the nails on a chalkboard thing going for it
13. Girls or Boys? girls, girls, girls
14. Players or Passers? pardon...?
15. Chicken or Fish? neither :P. Wait, there is no food nastier than fish...
16. Rap or Rock? rock
17. Sex or Oral Sex? sex is sex... and I