I was waxing nostalgic with my friend M earlier today, and somehow we went from chatting about USA Up All Night (and Wendy O. Williams) to The New Dance Show. The New Dance Show used to air on channel 62 in Detroit during the 80's/early 90's. It was fan-fucking-tastic! Seriously, I used to watch the shit out of it. It was like a really really low rent local version of Soul Train, except with straight up Detroit techno.
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There used to be these characters on it. Some grizzled old dude who wore a cape who's shtick was mugging to the camera and swirling his cape around. I don't know if his official New Dance Show name was "The Count", but that's what we all called him. A lot of the ladies had some jacked up names like Ice Berg and China Doll and the like. There was one lady who dressed up like a boxer, and another lady who's signature dance move was swinging her arm around like a really pissed off Pete Townsend. Think an angry Pete Townsend who's guitar got ganked mid-windmill.
I was telling her about dating The Brit, and how he was a techno fanatic. I was relaying a conversation we once had where I asked if he was excited to be living so close to Detroit, being as it's the birthplace of techno music. He gives me this look of shear contempt and says "no, I like real techno".
Meishia's response was "yeah, the shit that went over to England, and they made it suck"
Anyway, we've decided that instead of having Fat Friday's (where someone bakes something all ooey-gooey and decadent, or rice krispie treats, and brings it in) we would have Dance Line Friday Afternoons. There's going to be some Percolator action going down in the cube farm.
Oh GOD! The commercials that aired during it? Priceless. Did I mention that this aired at like 4:00 in the afternoon? Yeeaaah.
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