D'ESPAIRSRAY. WAS FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC. I really enjoyed this show. Not only because the show was so great, but that I could experience this with my friends. Thank you for all the kindness and everything. [God I hate being a crybaby.]
That just SCREAMED for an edit. I'll post the original soon
I arrived in Utrecht around 2 PM, because me and Tessa had to settle some things for the Kagerou concert. After that we had to wait for everyone else to arrive. So that was about an hour XD! Soon everyone was there, and we decided to go to Tivoli first. There were a few people waiting, but not like those fanatics in Germany or France. We hung around infront of the hall a bit, being complete DORKS XD But it was so much fun. After that we decided to get some food.
[Note: Why were those people staring at us as if we came from another planet. o-o;; I didn't know it was THAT bad in Holland..]
Even though I had sworn to Ma-chan not to go to Mc Donalds...We ended up at Mc. I swear, never ever again. But we kinda took over the place there, much to the annoyance of others! We ate, and split up in 2 groups. One was going to the station, and the others were going back to the hall. More people had arrived there, and soon the line was all the way outside.
But me and
bakachenka had to wait for everyone to get in, to receive our tickets and photocards and crap. And I had to wait for my German homies. Who appearently got lost in the beautiful Utrecht XD.
So the openingsact already started off, and I was getting kinda stressy o-o Meanwhile
sol_nuada sold his spare tickets XD at the door to some Japanese guy. He asked me for my phonenumber and emailadress, but after talking to him in the hall, I lost him. He wanted to trade pics and all D: So if someone knows who he was [there was a blonde man/woman with him] please let me know?
I heard the openingsact was kinda shitty, so I'm glad I haven't missed anything. [WTF? Guys covered in blood, wearing cowboyhats and kissing each other? Brokeback mountain much? XD] I saw the guy at the merch-place and asked if he played in Silent Hill. LOL. He was flattered.
So when the German homies arrived, I had to rush in, because it was only 5 minutes until they'd start. My camera fucked up multiple times but oh-kay. Greeted some people, got strangers coming over to me, going all 'OMG JUU?' o-o; lol.
The crowd wasn't too big, nor was it empty. It was intimate and well, there was a nice atmosphere. [I liked it more then German concerts] The lights go out, the curtains open. BANG. The show starts. They come on stage, and everyone became even more enthousiastic.
They opened with Dears , which I really hoped they would. Here's a little setlist, taken from
aricos [Lol thank you for writing it down on your arm XD]
1. Dears
2. In vain
3. Infection
4. Rebirth
5. Gärnet
6. New song
7. Reddish [Not sure]
8. Fuyuu shita risou
9. Yami ni furu kiseki
10. Abel to Caine
11. PIG[headed]
12. Forbidden
1. ???
2. Tatoeba kimi ga shinda ra [Not sure]
3. Quarter void [Not sure]
[lulz. appearently not in the right order anyway]
Hizumi's voice is so great, so wonderful. And it seemed like the whole band had a great time on stage. The only thing that bothered me, was that people were actually groping them. A little respect for the band, come on. It's like a stranger touching your boobs, you wouldn't want that either right?
Anyway. All of them looked GREAT! Karyu and Zero were damn energetic. As for Tsukasa,..That man always amazes me ; -- ;! I loved how everyone jumped and sang along with the songs, and noone bitched others around and stuff. Zero made faces to us, so we decided to make some back at him. [appearently he shot snot out of his nose XD YUM!] He occasionaly smiled at us. [Why didn't anyone bounce along? ; o ;] Lol, even the 2 little pits they tried to build failed. Miserably. PWND! They had a pretty long encore, and we tried to shout as long as possible.
First Tsukasa comes back up. Zero, Karyu [he looked kinda lost in all the smoke XD] and Hizumi. We were the first country to hear their new song. And DAMN. It's so full of energy. I love it ^ o ^! [I'm curious of their new album!]
They played 3 more songs after their encore, and then entertained the audience some more. Zero teased everyone by his usual 'COMEHEREANDIWILLSPITONYOU'. But WTF. He sat down, right infront of us. And everyone moved away. Me and my stupid head walked to the front, and BAM. Spitfight XD! I already had a shitty day so I couldn't really care any less if he'd cover me in water and spit or not. Val's camera got wet as well, but it still worked. Gotta love Zero ne? So, Tsukasa came from behind his drums. (*@$)@(!_)$)@* .... Decided NOT to throw his drumsticks all the way to the back, but dropped them right infront of me. Ofcourse, others grabbed it as well, but in the end, the last girl gave up. I feel blessed. And after that shitty day, I just bursted out in tears.
Thank you so much everyone, for all the hugs and sweet words. It just was a bit too much, and I hope that I can explain it later to you without all the crying and crap.
cami_sama and
pink_dahlia..Sorry for like,..come falling into your arms. And thank you my German homies. I am a crybaby, even if I always pretend I'm not.
So, the concert had ended. I wanted to buy one of those pretty tourshirts, but I had no money left. But I had a great time, and I have wonderful memories to this concert. And I want to thank everyone who was there. [LOL, I'm such an emotional fag D:] And for some reason -- D'espairsRay can't ever fail to sound good.
Now, for the pictures I made for www.visualkei.nl. Please note that these aren't uploaded on the webpage itself yet, because of technical problems. Do not remove the watermark, or post them anywhere else without my permission!
Those were rules from the mighty admin.
The line about 2 hours for the concert
Inside the hall, before the concert started
Those were the ones for visualkei.nl -- I'll steal a few from others now XD [from the waiting part and all]
nemesae ![](http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y300/nemesae/random/10112006/DSCF2054.jpg)
Says it all XD
Who's fingers are that? O:
What the penis? XD
Pimpin' the MC SHIT
The..fuck? YES BITCH. o-o..That's Tsukasa's drumstick..(%()*$)@(
mugenjouproject ![](http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n303/__hedonism/Me%20x%20Friends/DSC00037.jpg)
Stop. Making. Pics. Of. ME! XD We always turn out retarted on each other's pics!
I'll upload a few others later on, but I'm too tired to resize them now ; __ ;. [including OHILLEGALMOVIESOH!]
Once again. Thank you so much ; o ;.
And someone take my nightmares away from me?