Jun 26, 2008 20:00

[ Involves JAWS! (kaakman :D) ]

After a really hard day at work I left off to Nafa's place, since we'd leave to the hall quite early. When I got there we decided to DO make the flag. Nafa had bought one, but didn't want people to write messages on it in the first place, but I convinced her. Soooo, it was around 1AM when we got creative (Ofcourse with Tobi-wan-Kenobi's spirit)


Nafa drawing, because my Miyavi was too small D:

Tobi's really helping. Can you see? :D

Making progress..

And dirty hands D:


Soooo. We ended up going to bed way too late. Wich resulted in getting up,..WAY too late. (And ofcourse leaving too late) But it didn't matter anyway, 'cause when we got there there was already quite a line. Met Denise and some friends of her, and later on Suuko and Frotje. And Alex and and Rose. Anyway. I met so many people and it was soooo awesome to hang around with you guys. I wish we could have a meet like this D: Anyway. The tourbus arrived quite early and when the roadies started to unpack, I had to look twice before going all 'OMFG IT'S JAWS!' For those who don't know;
Jaws is the roadie for Dir en grey. Also known as the guy with the big jaw, white sportsocks and ligthblue t-shirt. Reference:



Aaaanyway. That had actually made my day even better. Called Val who also flipped out XD He's becoming an idol man. Anyway. Later on Machi and Val joined in with us, but soon left again for McDonalds. Meanwhile I was sitting and sitting. Sitting some more and got annoyed with a lot of people. Especially when they stood up 2 hours before the doors would even open. The pushing was MAD and for a moment I didn't even want to go inside anymore. So, once inside I claimed my spot somewhere 4th row, a little on the right. Pushing didn't start much later. Once everyone was somewhat inside, the lights went off. Myv came on stage, hidden behind an umbrella and flower petals flying around. (It somehow reminded me of last year's live) I couldn't hear anything over all the screaming, but he looked damn well.

I don't have a setlist. I wasn't in the mood to remember what he played but thanks to me, Nafa and Machi he played FREEDOM FIGHTERS He had promised so I just started shouting when it became all quiet. His reaction was EPIC XD. Repeating our chanting in this childish voice XD. His english also improved SO much. And his Dutch. Holy hell. I think that was the best ever coming from a Japanese. Freedom Fighters Rocked. Just as 'Are you ready to rock' and 'Aho Matsuri'.

His new DJ/Beatboxer (Teddy?) is also made out of pure win. His set in the encore kicked ass. I've never danced like that on a concert (and once again, it made me feel as if I were on a party instead of a concert)

But there were also quite some annoying people. Like this boy and girl who obviously belonged together and loved to punch other people. I swear, this girl even pulled my hair and elbowed me a few times. Ah well, sometimes I think I AM getting too old.

AAAANYWAY. Nafa had the flag and managed to throw it on stage. Haha, I was so proud when he waved it around, and later it got ducktaped to the DJ set. Other things like glowsticks flying on stage were less cool. Myv had to make some Matrix moves to avoid those things. Also, the fact that people STILL try to make pictures pisses me OFF. Two girls infront of me in the line tried to hide their cams. I asked if they were going to make pics. "Nooo, we're just going to film. You know, put it on youtube and stuff" Oooh man. Blood boiling much? RESPECT THE ARTIST. OR GO HOME. Ignorant assholes.

Oh well. What can I say about the live? It was REALLY well. Miyavi and his crew were AWESOME. (Oooh, Mr. Tapdancer would make me happy every day with his happy face. XD)
But somehow the crowd managed to ruin it a little for me. I don't know. Maybe I AM getting too old for all these things. It was an awesome party, but I doubt that I'll go to Kagrra. (Xime, if you're going I'll stick to your side!)

starring suuko.

and kuukiichan's lovely cupcakes


The part AFTER the live kicked ass too! We got sent out by the security, and I saw Denise outside who wasn't feeling well. (Wow sooo much for friends ne? I'm always here for you <3) We dragged her to the other side of the street and start singing Queen's BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY. Oh yeah. It's becoming a tradition or something. While having cramps in my feet, I actually managed to save a rolling cart with instruments and crap that was rolling down the street. Appearently it looked really funny XD ~ So, off home where food was awaiting us. FRIES AND SHOARMA. WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT?! :D

And now I am thinking and thinking again. You're probably wondering why I am not responding on MSN or AIM. I don't know. Going to order Mix Speaker's,Inc. DVD soon. Man I miss them.

This'll probably all I will be spending this month. MSI goodies.

I'll update again later. There's so much to tell and show and stuff. BULUWAH.
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