Title: The Engineer’s Gift
shan21non Rating: PG-13
Beta Readers:
buffyaddict13 and
inkhand , who are the best!
Warnings: Swearing in Mandarin!
Pairings: Ten/Rose, Mal/Inara, a bit of Simon/Kaylee
Disclaimer: I don’t own Doctor Who or Firefly. How is that fair?
Summary: When the Doctor takes a wrong turn, he and Rose find themselves aboard Serenity. Confusion, explosions
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Thanks for the review! The Doctor is the most fun to write when he's ranting, be it in frustration or joy :)
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I wanted Ole Golly to be my nanny! I don't remember the swearing bit, but I remember feeling absolutely sick to my stomach when she lost her notebook. *My* spy notebook was always closely guarded!
Haha. I'm in the same timezone as you and I have to clean my house before company arrives tomorrow. I keep scrubbing a single square inch of countertop and getting distracted.
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