Title: Slater Falls Off a Really Big Cliff
Author: shan21non (
shan21non )
Rating: PG
Pairing: Slater/Big Cliff
Disclaimers: I don't own it!
Notes: Another drabble. Written for
aint2proud2beg 's prompt at Community 101. Possibly the most ridiculous thing I've ever written.
Prompt: Slater falls off a cliff. Slater/really big cliff
In the end, Jeff chose Professor Slater.
It was a surprise to the entire gang when Jeff showed up to Pierce's ironic Fathers' Day cookout with Michelle on his arm.
Pierce addressed Slater only as Small Boobs for the entire day.
When Michelle engaged them with casual talk of the weather, Shirley muttered something about it being cloudy with a chance of bitch.
Britta not-at-all-cattily complimented Slater on her bold choice of a pencil skirt and blouse at a summer cookout.
Immediately after wolfing down a kosher hot dog, Annie announced that it was getting late and she'd better leave now if she was going to catch the evening news.
Troy cried very briefly on Abed's shoulder, but Abed assured him that it had to be some sort of mis-write that would be corrected before the summer hiatus was up.
Jeff and Slater ignored them all.
In July they took a camping trip. Jeff wasn't what one might call "outdoorsy" and neither was Michelle, but it seemed like a couply thing to do (much like eating Chubby Hubby on Law and Order night) and so Michelle had insisted.
As soon as they set up camp (read: when Jeff got sick and tired of trying to pitch the tent and kicked one of the stakes into the brush, never to be seen again) they decided it might be a good time for a hike.
They had a compass and a map of the environs. However, as neither Jeff nor Slater had ever been in the scouts or traveled without a GPS navigator, this proved insufficient. Within an hour they were hopelessly lost.
Jeff turned the map sideways again.
"I'm telling you, Michelle, there's a cliff around here somewhere," he insisted.
"Jeff, I've looked at the same map, and I'm going to assure you again that there is a less than five percent chance that we are anywhere near a cliff."
She paused to glare at him before continuing in confident strides in a random direction.
"Just because you throw out a statistic doesn't make it true," Jeff countered.
"Who has the legitimate college degree here?" she asked over her shoulder.
"Yeah, but who chose to teach at a community college with that degree?" Jeff returned.
"Wow. Somebody reeeally doesn't want to get laid tonight," Michelle remarked casually.
Jeff made a nasty face at her back and reluctantly followed. After about three minutes of silence, he spoke again.
"Okay, you see that there? That was a bend in the river, followed by a steep incline. There's a cliff nearby!"
Michelle spun around to face him, but continued in a confident now-backwards march.
"I'm telling you there's a less than five percent cha--"
And then she fell of a really big cliff.